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Trump Tweets Conspiracy Theory About Deleted Votes

Trump Tweets Conspiracy Theory About Deleted Votes

In a tweet, President Donald Trump on Nov. 12 pushed the baseless theory that voting systems deleted millions of votes for him and switched thousands of votes cast for him to his Democratic rival, President-elect Joe Biden.

Pennsylvania Postal Worker Waffles on Election Fraud Claim

Pennsylvania Postal Worker Waffles on Election Fraud Claim

A postal worker in Erie, Pennsylvania, claimed that his superiors were backdating postmarks on ballots, then told federal investigators that he didn’t actually know that — and then went back to his original position. Despite the flimsiness of the claim, President Donald Trump and his supporters have used it in their effort to blame widespread election fraud for his electoral defeat.

Trump Baselessly Alleges COVID-19 Vaccine Announcement Was Delayed

Trump Baselessly Alleges COVID-19 Vaccine Announcement Was Delayed

In a series of tweets, President Donald Trump claimed — without evidence — that the pharma company Pfizer and his own FDA purposely held off on releasing positive interim results about a COVID-19 vaccine candidate until after the election.

Misleading Claim of Dead Registered Voters in Pennsylvania

Misleading Claim of Dead Registered Voters in Pennsylvania

A misleading claim that more than 21,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania are dead is circulating online. The figure comes from a conservative group that failed to convince a federal judge in October that its list was accurate.

How the Supreme Court Could Rule on ACA Case

How the Supreme Court Could Rule on ACA Case

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the latest legal challenge to the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act today. There are a range of possible outcomes in the case.

Claim of Michigan Postal Fraud Is Moot

Claim of Michigan Postal Fraud Is Moot

A video from a right-wing activist suggests that U.S. Postal Service employees backdated ballots in Michigan. The claim is unproven, but, even if true, no ballots in the state are accepted after Nov. 3, regardless of the postmark.

Trump’s Wild, Baseless Claims of Illegal Voting

Trump’s Wild, Baseless Claims of Illegal Voting

In remarks resembling an attack on democratic elections, rather than a presidential speech, President Donald Trump doubled down on his campaign pledge: “The only way we can lose, in my opinion, is massive fraud.”

Biden Did, Indeed, Get More Votes Than Obama

Biden Did, Indeed, Get More Votes Than Obama

The votes are still being counted and the results are unofficial, but former Vice President Joe Biden already has surpassed former President Barack Obama’s record of 69.4 million votes in 2008. But conservative personalities on social media falsely dismiss that achievement as “a damn lie.”  

Trump Tweets Flagged by Twitter for Misinformation

Trump Tweets Flagged by Twitter for Misinformation

In the two days after Election Day, Twitter has added warning labels to nine of President Trump’s election-related tweets, cautioning the messages “might be misleading.” They are misleading, and in some cases, false.