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Viral Posts Take Biden Quote on Voter Fraud Out of Context

Viral Posts Take Biden Quote on Voter Fraud Out of Context

Social media posts shared by Eric Trump and Fox News host Jeanine Pirro take a quote by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden out of context to claim he “admits to voter fraud.” Biden was actually describing his efforts to prevent voter fraud and suppression.

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

President Trump and his allies continue to ignore Joe Biden’s written plan to only prohibit permits for new oil and gas drilling on federal land and waters. That plan would allow for extraction methods to continue under existing permits and in nonfederal areas.

Misleading Messages on Gasoline Prices

Misleading Messages on Gasoline Prices

Eric Trump misleadingly claimed on social media that gasoline was $5 per gallon “under O’Biden,” but “unbelievably good” during his father’s administration. The average retail price of gasoline while Barack Obama was president was $2.97. The average price under President Donald Trump has been $2.49, which includes lower prices due to the pandemic.

Trump Misleads on Ballots Again

Trump Misleads on Ballots Again

About 2,100 voters in Los Angeles County accidentally received mail-in ballots earlier this month without the presidential race. But President Trump described a case where ballots “had everything on it” except “my name.”