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DSCC Falsely Attacks Daines on Social Security

DSCC Falsely Attacks Daines on Social Security

In a TV ad, a Democratic committee falsely claims Sen. Steve Daines of Montana is “pushing a plan” that could “end Social Security benefits by 2023.” He’s not.

Trump’s Baseless Claim of Russian Support for Biden

Trump’s Baseless Claim of Russian Support for Biden

In recent weeks, Trump administration officials have described attempts by Russia to undermine Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Yet, contrary to official statements and actions by his own officials, President Donald Trump said that Russia “probably” wants Biden to win.

Trump Spins Quotes by/About Biden

Trump Spins Quotes by/About Biden

In campaign rallies in Nevada, President Donald Trump twisted remarks made by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and gave a disputed description of comments by Biden’s former chief of staff.

Biden’s False Attacks on Trump’s Social Security ‘Plan’

Biden’s False Attacks on Trump’s Social Security ‘Plan’

A Biden campaign TV ad falsely claims that a government analysis of President Donald Trump’s “planned cuts to Social Security” shows that “if Trump gets his way, Social Security benefits will run out in just three years from now.”

Mnuchin Spins Pre-COVID Path to Debt Reduction

Mnuchin Spins Pre-COVID Path to Debt Reduction

An analysis by the Congressional Budget Office contradicts Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s claim that before COVID-19 hit, the U.S. was experiencing “extraordinary” economic growth that “would pay down the debt over time.”

Politicians Have Died of COVID-19

Politicians Have Died of COVID-19

A meme circulating on Facebook falsely claims, “Not one politician has died from the virus.” Actually, at least five current or former politicians across the country have died due to COVID-19.

Trump’s Bad Advice for Mail-In Voters

Trump’s Bad Advice for Mail-In Voters

Elections officials and voting experts say President Donald Trump gave bad advice when he encouraged mail-in voters to show up at polling places on Election Day and cast an in-person ballot if poll workers can’t confirm that their mail-in ballot was received.