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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

California Bill Doesn’t Make Pedophilia ‘Legal’

California Bill Doesn’t Make Pedophilia ‘Legal’

Contrary to QAnon-fueled claims that a California bill would legalize pedophilia, the bill would actually standardize the rules about who is required to be on the state’s sex offender registry.

Mail-in Voting Envelopes Don’t Reveal Party During General Election

Mail-in Voting Envelopes Don’t Reveal Party During General Election

Facebook posts falsely suggest that envelopes used for mail-in ballots in general elections reveal party affiliation, saying postal workers may “toss” votes. Voting experts say they don’t know of any such labels in general elections — only on envelopes during primary elections.

FactChecking Trump’s Fox News Interview

FactChecking Trump’s Fox News Interview

In an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that aired over two days, President Donald Trump made several false, misleading and unsubstantiated claims.

Video Manipulated to Show Biden Asleep

Video Manipulated to Show Biden Asleep

Q: Does a video shared on social media show Joe Biden sleeping during a live television interview?

A: No. The video was manipulated to make it appear that he had fallen asleep.

Biden Misleads on Preexisting Conditions

Biden Misleads on Preexisting Conditions

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden claimed President Trump’s effort in court to nullify the Affordable Care Act would “take 100 million people with preexisting conditions and move them in a direction where they can’t get coverage.” They wouldn’t all lose coverage, as the claim suggests, barring highly unlikely circumstances.

Trump Retweets Dated, Racially Charged Post

Trump Retweets Dated, Racially Charged Post

President Trump retweeted a video, which had been posted under the misleading heading “Black Lives Matter/Antifa,” of a Black man shoving a white woman into a stopped subway car. The incident occurred on Oct. 23, 2019, and there is no indication that the man in the video was affiliated with either Black Lives Matter or antifa.

Social Media Posts Use Graphic, Unrelated Photos to Smear BLM Protesters

Social Media Posts Use Graphic, Unrelated Photos to Smear BLM Protesters

Posts circulating on social media this summer falsely claimed that Black Lives Matter activists were responsible for the beating of five elderly white people shown in the posts’ photos. But the pictures have been online for at least five years — and most early uses identify the photos as originating in South Africa.

Trump, Hahn Mischaracterize Data on COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma

Trump, Hahn Mischaracterize Data on COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma

In a hyped press briefing the eve before the Republican National Convention, President Donald Trump falsely said that convalescent plasma had been “proven to reduce mortality by 35%,” even though the therapy has not yet been shown to be effective for COVID-19.

Misleading Claim Swirls Over Pledge of Allegiance at DNC

Misleading Claim Swirls Over Pledge of Allegiance at DNC

The prime-time programming for the Democratic National Convention every night on TV included a recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, including the phrase “under God.” Two individual Democratic caucuses omitted those words during daytime meetings — prompting claims that misleadingly suggested they were dropped throughout the convention.