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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

False Claims on Corporate Donations to Black Lives Matter

False Claims on Corporate Donations to Black Lives Matter

Posts on social media repeat an error reported by Lou Dobbs on Fox Business in July, claiming that major corporations were donating large sums of money to Black Lives Matter. The companies have pledged support for racial equality initiatives, but haven’t specified Black Lives Matter as a beneficiary.

Republican Convention Opening Night

Republican Convention Opening Night

On Day 1, Republicans made numerous false and misleading claims on tax cuts, the economy, immigration and COVID-19, among other topics.

Trump’s Talking Points

Trump’s Talking Points

A compendium of the president’s falsehoods and factual distortions that may be repeated during the convention.

New ‘Plandemic’ Video Peddles Misinformation, Conspiracies

New ‘Plandemic’ Video Peddles Misinformation, Conspiracies

The second part of “Plandemic” — a documentary-style video that presents a sweeping conspiracy theory about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, patents and vaccines — landed on Aug. 18, spinning together many of the falsehoods about the disease that we’ve been debunking for months, plus some new misleading claims.

Posts Take Old Photos of Biden, Harris Out of Context

Posts Take Old Photos of Biden, Harris Out of Context

Facebook posts are using out-of-context photos to suggest Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, are not abiding by public health recommendations regarding face masks. The photos are from early March, before face masks were recommended by federal health officials.

Video: FactChecking the Democratic National Convention

Video: FactChecking the Democratic National Convention

This video reviews some of the statements that we fact-checked during the Democratic National Convention, which ended Aug. 20 with former Vice President Joe Biden accepting his party’s nomination for president.

Democratic Convention Night 3

Democratic Convention Night 3

There was news: Sen. Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic vice presidential nomination. But there was little to fact-check.

Democratic Convention Opening Night

Democratic Convention Opening Night

A quiet first night for fact-checkers. Only a few quibbles, including on the minimum wage, mail-in voting and Social Security payments.