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Video Falsely Stokes Concerns About Voting in Louisiana Primary

Video Falsely Stokes Concerns About Voting in Louisiana Primary

A viral video falsely labeled “Registered Republican Not Allowed to Vote!” suggests that Republicans were kept from voting in Louisiana’s recent primary. The person featured in the video — which has been viewed millions of times — was actually registered as a Democrat, so she couldn’t vote in the closed Republican primary.

Trump’s Misleading Spin on Roger Stone’s Conviction

Trump’s Misleading Spin on Roger Stone’s Conviction

In commuting Roger Stone’s prison sentence, President Donald Trump and the White House gave a misleading account of Stone’s conviction and the federal investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Cherry-Picking Collins’ Prescription Drug Votes

Cherry-Picking Collins’ Prescription Drug Votes

A Democratic TV ad attacks Sen. Susan Collins for voting twice “to allow drug companies to keep cheaper generic drugs off the market,” but omits the fact that Collins has supported bills intended to increase generic-drug competition and lower prescription costs.

Americans for Prosperity

A network of conservative/libertarian groups heavily financed by Koch Industries.

Americas PAC

A conservative super PAC that attempts to convince minority voters to support Republican candidates.


A liberal super PAC that seeks to defeat President Donald Trump.

Trump’s False Claim on Coronavirus Harm

Trump’s False Claim on Coronavirus Harm

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that through May 30, 14% of confirmed coronavirus cases led to hospitalizations — including 2% in intensive care units. But President Donald Trump falsely claimed “99%” of cases “are totally harmless.”

Trump’s Baseless Attacks on Times, Post Reporting on Russia Probe

Trump’s Baseless Attacks on Times, Post Reporting on Russia Probe

President Donald Trump has attacked reporting on the Russia investigation by the New York Times and the Washington Post as “fake news,” asserting — along with his press secretary — that the news organizations should return the Pulitzer Prizes they received in 2018 for their work.

Trump’s False Military Equipment Claim

Trump’s False Military Equipment Claim

President Donald Trump has falsely claimed his administration invested “$2.5 trillion in all of the greatest equipment in the world” for the military. That’s approximately the total for defense budgets from 2017 to 2020, but the cost of purchasing new military equipment was 20% of that.