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Trump Campaign Didn’t Advertise for ‘MINORITY Actors’ in Tulsa

Trump Campaign Didn’t Advertise for ‘MINORITY Actors’ in Tulsa

Posts on social media cite an anonymous Craigslist ad to support the false claim that President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is seeking “MINORITY Actors” to hold signs at his June 20 rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Trump campaign says it didn’t post the ad, and Craigslist has removed it.

Azar, Trump Mislead on FDA’s Hydroxychloroquine Decision

Azar, Trump Mislead on FDA’s Hydroxychloroquine Decision

At the White House, the Health and Human Services secretary left the misleading impression that the FDA’s decision to revoke its emergency use authorization of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for COVID-19 “removes a potential barrier” and makes it easier to access the drugs. The FDA’s action does the opposite.

Trump Wrong on Obama-Biden Actions on Policing

Trump Wrong on Obama-Biden Actions on Policing

In signing an executive order on policing issues, President Donald Trump falsely claimed former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden “never even tried to fix this during their eight-year period.” The Obama administration took several steps to address police violence and community trust issues, some of which the Trump administration has dialed back.

Biden on Economic Growth and Trump’s Tax Cuts

Biden on Economic Growth and Trump’s Tax Cuts

Former Vice President Joe Biden wrongly says “most of the conservative think tanks,” including the Heritage Foundation, agree that the tax cuts championed by President Donald Trump “generated virtually no growth at all.”

Meme Spreads Wrong Photo, Details in Floyd Criminal Case

Meme Spreads Wrong Photo, Details in Floyd Criminal Case

A meme misrepresents a 2007 criminal case in Houston involving George Floyd. The meme distorts the details of Floyd’s case and includes a photo of a woman who was badly injured in an unrelated attack in Spain in 2018.

Ahead of Trump Rally, Republicans Spin COVID-19 Metrics

Ahead of Trump Rally, Republicans Spin COVID-19 Metrics

In the days leading up to President Donald Trump’s first campaign rally since the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, Trump and his supporters are making false and misleading claims about COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and testing.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Did Not Post Conspiratorial Tweet

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Did Not Post Conspiratorial Tweet

A tweet that suggests a conspiratorial “pattern” — from the protests over George Floyd’s death, to the pandemic, to the presidential impeachment, to the 2016 election – is being falsely attributed to former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The tweet is actually from an unverified Twitter account that misspelled her name.

Bogus Claims of ‘Crisis Actors’ in Death of George Floyd

Bogus Claims of ‘Crisis Actors’ in Death of George Floyd

False claims that nearly everyone involved in George Floyd’s death — including Floyd — are “crisis actors” have spread widely online. But the pictures that supposedly prove this theory actually show unrelated people.