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COVID-19 Isn’t Caused by Bacteria

COVID-19 Isn’t Caused by Bacteria

False information that claims COVID-19 is caused by a bacteria and can be easily treated started spreading by text message, and is now viral on social media. Actually, COVID-19 is caused by a virus and there is no treatment for it.

Trump Adds New Falsehood to Pelosi/Chinatown Claims

Trump Adds New Falsehood to Pelosi/Chinatown Claims

President Donald Trump has upped the ante in his allegations about Nancy Pelosi and Chinatown, falsely charging that the House speaker urged foreign nationals to “bring your infection” to the San Francisco neighborhood. Pelosi never issued such an invitation.

Trump Twists Record on Inspectors General

Trump Twists Record on Inspectors General

Defending his decision to fire a fourth inspector general this year, President Donald Trump has misleadingly compared his record to past presidents, claiming, “I think every president has gotten rid of probably more than I have.”

Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

An outdated video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci is circulating on social media — giving the false impression he is currently advising the public not to wear face masks. Fauci, like other health officials, recommends wearing a cloth face covering when distances of at least six feet can’t be maintained.

False Perception of COVID-19’s Impact on the Homeless

False Perception of COVID-19’s Impact on the Homeless

Viral posts suggest that COVID-19 can’t be a serious disease if it hasn’t “wiped out the homeless.” But recent reports published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found high rates of homeless residents testing positive for the novel coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2.

The RNC’s Misleading Message About the Bidens

The RNC’s Misleading Message About the Bidens

A voicemail message being left at the homes of voters in Pennsylvania and elsewhere by the Republican National Committee makes a number of misleading claims about presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter and Trump’s handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Treason Conviction Wouldn’t Erase Presidential Actions

Treason Conviction Wouldn’t Erase Presidential Actions

Social media posts targeting former President Barack Obama suggest he will be tried for “treason” and falsely claim that if convicted his title would be “stripped away” along with all his presidential actions.  There’s no support for the claim he’ll be tried for treason, and it’s untrue that any former president’s actions would be undone after such a conviction.

America’s Promise PAC

A super PAC that supports Joe Biden. It was created by former top aides to Sen. Bernie Sanders after Sanders suspended his campaign.

Warren, McEnany and Dueling COVID-19 Numbers

Warren, McEnany and Dueling COVID-19 Numbers

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said, “We are right now at … 25,000 new infections a day and 2,000 deaths a day.” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany called those “some funny numbers.” The disparity is largely a matter of semantics.