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Video: The Biden-Sanders Debate

Video: The Biden-Sanders Debate

In this video, we review three claims from the first head-to-head presidential primary debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump Misrepresents Google Coronavirus Website

Trump Misrepresents Google Coronavirus Website

President Donald Trump and other officials misleadingly suggested that tech behemoth Google was working on a screening website that large numbers of Americans could use to see if they should be tested for the new coronavirus. The website, however, is actually a project of Google’s sister company Verily and is initially limited to the San Francisco Bay Area.

False Claims of Nationwide Lockdown for COVID-19

False Claims of Nationwide Lockdown for COVID-19

The National Security Council is warning Americans of a “FAKE” rumor circulating on social media that falsely claims President Donald Trump will impose a nationwide “mandatory quarantine.”

FactChecking the March Democratic Debate

FactChecking the March Democratic Debate

While debating 6 feet apart due to the coronavirus outbreak, the two leading contenders offered competing versions of the facts on several key issues.

Trump’s H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Spin

Trump’s H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Spin

In tweets and other appearances, President Donald Trump has repeatedly compared his response to the new coronavirus with President Barack Obama’s handling of the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. But Trump’s information is frequently incorrect or misleading — and the two viruses are very different.

Sanders Twists Trump’s Words on Coronavirus/Work

Sanders Twists Trump’s Words on Coronavirus/Work

Sen. Bernie Sanders wrongly claimed President Donald Trump said if people have symptoms of the new coronavirus infection, “doesn’t matter, go to work.” That’s not what the president said.

The Facts on Coronavirus Testing

The Facts on Coronavirus Testing

Federal officials have provided confusing and sometimes contradictory statements about the number and availability of tests to diagnose new coronavirus infections. We’ll explain how testing works, what happened with the CDC’s coronavirus test and what’s known about how many tests are available in the U.S.

Trump’s Welfare Claim

Trump’s Welfare Claim

President Donald Trump has repeatedly said that his administration has “lifted 10 million people off of welfare,” a figure that primarily includes the change in the number of recipients of food stamps, but also those enrolled in other programs. While it’s clear enrollment has declined by millions, there are some caveats to the president’s number.

Viral Biden Video Is Deceptively Edited

Viral Biden Video Is Deceptively Edited

A deceptively edited clip of Joe Biden makes it look like he endorsed President Donald Trump. Actually, he said that Trump would be re-elected if Democrats wage a negative campaign.

FactChecking Trump’s Scranton Town Hall

FactChecking Trump’s Scranton Town Hall

At a town hall event in the swing state of Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump made several false and misleading claims, some of which we have repeatedly debunked before.