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Trump’s Misplaced Blame on Obama for Coronavirus Tests

Trump’s Misplaced Blame on Obama for Coronavirus Tests

Amid criticism over his administration’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that he had to overcome an Obama-era Food and Drug Administration “rule” to more quickly provide diagnostic tests to the American people. Experts, however, told us no such formal regulation was ever implemented under the previous administration.

Trump and the Coronavirus Death Rate

Trump and the Coronavirus Death Rate

The World Health Organization says that 3.4% of reported COVID-19 patients worldwide have died – a global fatality figure that President Donald Trump dismissed as “a false number.” It’s not a false number, although experts say Trump has a point that the fatality rate may ultimately be quite a bit less than 3.4%.

COVID-19 Tests Don’t Cost Over $3,000

COVID-19 Tests Don’t Cost Over $3,000

A meme with the false claim that “[t]he US is charging over $3,000 per test” for patients who may have COVID-19 has been circulating on social media. For now, the two agencies authorized to test for the illness are not billing patients.

Trump and the ‘New Hoax’

Trump and the ‘New Hoax’

President Donald Trump accused the Democrats of “politicizing” the new coronavirus, calling it “their new hoax.” Even after Trump explained his remarks, some Democrats — including Mike Bloomberg — continued to wrongly accuse Trump of describing the coronavirus as a “hoax.”

Pence Moved Slowly in Combating HIV Outbreak

Pence Moved Slowly in Combating HIV Outbreak

In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, newly crowned coronavirus point man Mike Pence spun the facts in claiming he moved decisively when confronted with a disturbing HIV outbreak in a rural Indiana county when he was governor of the state.

FactChecking Biden’s CNN Town Hall

FactChecking Biden’s CNN Town Hall

Former Vice President Joe Biden made a series of false and misleading statements on guns and crime during a CNN town hall in Charleston, South Carolina on Feb. 26.

A Misleading Anti-Biden Ad from Trump Backers

A Misleading Anti-Biden Ad from Trump Backers

A misleading television ad from the Committee to Defend the President falsely suggests that former President Barack Obama is criticizing his former vice president, Joe Biden, for his racial attitudes.

Accounting for Net Worth of Trump, Clintons and Obamas

Accounting for Net Worth of Trump, Clintons and Obamas

A meme circulating on Facebook claims without evidence that Hillary Clinton has made $95.5 million since she ran for president in 2016, and falsely implies that she and former President Barack Obama enriched themselves by “steal[ing] your money.”