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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Weinstein Wasn’t a Medal of Freedom Recipient

Weinstein Wasn’t a Medal of Freedom Recipient

A doctored image spread on Facebook erroneously shows former President Barack Obama giving Harvey Weinstein the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The actual photo showed Obama bestowing the honor upon former Vice President Joe Biden.

Biden’s Factual Distortions

Biden’s Factual Distortions

Former Vice President Joe Biden distorted the facts in two interviews in the wake of the Nevada caucuses, claiming Sen. Bernie Sanders “was opposed to Obamacare” (Sanders voted for it) and that Biden never labeled South Carolina as his campaign’s “firewall” (he did).

Story Misrepresents Abrams’ Remarks on Electoral College

Story Misrepresents Abrams’ Remarks on Electoral College

A story circulating online misleadingly claims Stacey Abrams “boasted that Democrats can ‘jerry-rig the system and go around the Constitution’ to win the 2020 election.” Her comments about moving to a national popular vote system were not about the 2020 election or securing a Democratic victory.

Senate Majority PAC

A super PAC “solely dedicated to building a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate.”

Great America PAC

Great America PAC and its sister nonprofit, Great America Alliance, support President Donald Trump’s reelection.

Priorities USA Action

A liberal super PAC launched by former Obama White House staffers.