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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

House Majority PAC

A Democratic super PAC formed in 2011 and focused on keeping a Democratic majority in the House.

Senate Leadership Fund

A Republican super PAC that was established in 2015 by allies of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Bloomberg’s 2016 Remarks on Farmers, in Context

Bloomberg’s 2016 Remarks on Farmers, in Context

The supporters of President Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders claim Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg insulted farmers in a 2016 video. The Bloomberg campaign says the video has been “taken completely out of context.” There is definitely more to Bloomberg’s remarks than the 58-second viral video shows.

Competing Claims on Trump’s Budget and Seniors

Competing Claims on Trump’s Budget and Seniors

In what has become an annual Washington exercise, Democrats and Republicans are waging a war of words over the president’s proposed budget and how it would affect programs for seniors. President Donald Trump tweeted that he “will not be touching your Social Security or Medicare” in the budget, while Democrats have charged it does exactly that.

Posts Misidentify Site of Used Needle Pile in Homeless Camp

Posts Misidentify Site of Used Needle Pile in Homeless Camp

Posts circulating on social media show a pile of hypodermic needles and falsely identify the site as a homeless encampment in Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco. The photo was actually taken at a homeless camp cleanup in Washington state in 2017.

State of the Union Anecdotes Debunked

State of the Union Anecdotes Debunked

It is customary for presidents to invite guests to the State of the Union address to provide anecdotal evidence that supports the president’s policies. But it turns out President Donald Trump’s speech included misleading descriptions of two such guests.

Roger Stone’s Crimes

Roger Stone’s Crimes

President Donald Trump has criticized the Justice Department for prosecuting the president’s longtime associate Roger Stone and recommending that Stone serve up to nine years in prison. That’s his opinion, but he falsely supports it by claiming Stone did “nothing” and “nobody even can define what he did.”

Bloomberg Misleads on Stop-And-Frisk

Bloomberg Misleads on Stop-And-Frisk

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg misleadingly stated that he “cut” the police practice of stop-and-frisk — a policy that he “inherited” — by “95%” by the time he left office as mayor of New York. There were nearly twice as many stops in his last year as mayor compared with the year before he took office.