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Posts Share Bogus Memo to Falsely Claim U.S. Is Sending Additional $8 Billion to Israel

Posts Share Bogus Memo to Falsely Claim U.S. Is Sending Additional $8 Billion to Israel

The U.S. provides Israel with $3.8 billion each year in military funding under an already established agreement. But social media posts are sharing a doctored “memorandum” that falsely purports to show an additional $8 billion was approved for Israel by President Joe Biden on Oct. 7, the day war began between Hamas and Israel.

Biden’s Border Wall, Explained

Biden’s Border Wall, Explained

After the Department of Homeland Security announced it would waive laws to enable miles of border wall construction in Texas, President Joe Biden said he “can’t stop” the money being spent on border barriers because of the way it was appropriated by Congress. That’s correct, experts told us.

Conservative Politicians, Commentators Recirculate Old Falsehood on Aid for Immigrants

Conservative Politicians, Commentators Recirculate Old Falsehood on Aid for Immigrants

Immigrants who come to the U.S. without authorization have very limited access to government benefits. But an old falsehood revived by conservatives conflates aid given to authorized refugees with the limited assistance available to immigrants who entered the country illegally. The claim also inflates the benefits given to refugees.

Online Posts Misrepresent Purpose of USDA Community Garden Database

Online Posts Misrepresent Purpose of USDA Community Garden Database

A U.S. Department of Agriculture program that promotes the growth of community gardens in areas with little access to fresh food encourages community groups to register with the USDA. But social media posts misleadingly suggest the USDA wants anyone with a garden to register, “so everyone knows where the people who grow their own food are.”

Q&A on Looming Government Shutdown

Q&A on Looming Government Shutdown

The federal government is heading to a shutdown, if Congress doesn’t pass funding legislation by the time the clock strikes midnight on Sept. 30. We’ll explain what that means and what government services could be affected.

Flu Shots, MMR Vaccines Have Saved Millions of Lives, Contrary to Online Claim

Flu Shots, MMR Vaccines Have Saved Millions of Lives, Contrary to Online Claim

Flu shots and vaccines that protect children against measles, mumps and rubella have been effective in preventing illness, serious disease and death. But a meme has been circulating with the false suggestion that those vaccines are ineffective. Actually, they’ve saved millions of lives and have eliminated both measles and rubella in the U.S.

Launching Impeachment Inquiries: Reviewing What Happened in 2019 and 2023

Launching Impeachment Inquiries: Reviewing What Happened in 2019 and 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reneged on his promise not to move forward with an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden without having a full vote by the House of Representatives. When defending his reversal, McCarthy blamed his predecessor, Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi. We sort out their conflicting statements.

Ramaswamy’s Climate Change Spin

Ramaswamy’s Climate Change Spin

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, a self-professed “unapologetic proponent of greater use of fossil fuels,” has repeatedly cited false or misleading statistics to downplay the risks of climate change.

Trump Walked Back Abortion Statement Misleadingly Used in Biden-Harris Ad

Trump Walked Back Abortion Statement Misleadingly Used in Biden-Harris Ad

As a presidential candidate seven years ago, Donald Trump said women needed to face “some form” of punishment for violating abortion bans — a position he quickly retracted after being criticized. But the former president’s original remark about punishing women is misleadingly featured in an ad from the campaign to reelect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Video Clip Misrepresents Biden’s Meeting with Israeli President

Video Clip Misrepresents Biden’s Meeting with Israeli President

President Joe Biden met with the Israeli president in July at the White House. A clip from that meeting is circulating online with the false suggestion that Biden was “falling asleep” during the meeting. The full video shows Biden was consulting notecards and wasn’t asleep.