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Baseless Clinton Conspiracy Theory Still Circulating

Baseless Clinton Conspiracy Theory Still Circulating

A Macedonian website is peddling a baseless Hillary Clinton conspiracy theory that has amassed tens of thousands of shares on Facebook. The story implies that Clinton was involved in the deaths of two Baltimore-area law enforcement officers, and makes the unfounded claim that they were scheduled to testify against her.

How Old Claims Compare to IG Report

How Old Claims Compare to IG Report

We take a look at how past claims made by Trump stack up to the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General report on the FBI’s investigation into whether individuals associated with the Trump campaign were coordinating with Russia’s election interference.

Video: Jordan’s GOP Talking Points

Video: Jordan’s GOP Talking Points

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper discusses some popular GOP talking points regarding the impeachment inquiry, and what they leave out or get wrong.

Republicans Cherry-Pick Facts on Impeachment

Republicans Cherry-Pick Facts on Impeachment

As the House Judiciary Committee began public hearings on whether to draft and approve articles of impeachment, Republicans presented a set of facts that they claimed cleared President Donald Trump of any wrongdoing, providing an incomplete picture on what congressional testimony has revealed.

Meme Makes Up New Amendment

Meme Makes Up New Amendment

A meme circulating online falsely claims that there is a 28th Amendment to the Constitution that bars lawmakers from exempting themselves from having to comply with existing laws. There is no such amendment.

Warren Misleads on Her Kids’ Schooling

Warren Misleads on Her Kids’ Schooling

Sen. Elizabeth Warren misleadingly told a group of school-choice activists that her children “went to public schools,” not private ones. Warren’s campaign later clarified that her daughter attended public school, while her son mostly attended private school.

Meme Distorts Hatch Quote

Meme Distorts Hatch Quote

A meme on Facebook misrepresents a year-old comment from former Sen. Orrin Hatch. He did not say, “I don’t care if Trump broke the law.” Hatch said, “I don’t care” about allegations that Trump paid hush money to two women, “because I don’t think he was involved in crimes.”

Revived Falsehood that Trump Fired ‘Muslim Judge’

Revived Falsehood that Trump Fired ‘Muslim Judge’

A viral story shared on Facebook falsely claims President Donald Trump has fired a “Muslim federal judge” over “Sharia Law.” The story was published two years ago by a website that calls its work satire, but it is being spread again by a Tumblr site.

Bogus Photo Targets Rep. Elise Stefanik

Bogus Photo Targets Rep. Elise Stefanik

An altered image makes it look like Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik stuck up her middle finger in a House committee room at the end of a public impeachment inquiry hearing. She didn’t.

Trump Repeats False Ukraine Claims

Trump Repeats False Ukraine Claims

President Donald Trump called into “Fox & Friends” a day after the impeachment hearings ended and repeated false statements that have been debunked by fact-checkers and, in some cases, members of his own administration.