Former Vice President Joe Biden distorted the facts in two interviews in the wake of the Nevada caucuses, claiming Sen. Bernie Sanders “was opposed to Obamacare” (Sanders voted for it) and that Biden never labeled South Carolina as his campaign’s “firewall” (he did).
Locations: National
Story Misrepresents Abrams’ Remarks on Electoral College
Video: The Ninth Democratic Debate
Senate Majority PAC
A super PAC “solely dedicated to building a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate.”
Great America PAC
Great America PAC and its sister nonprofit, Great America Alliance, support President Donald Trump’s reelection.
Congressional Leadership Fund
A super PAC dedicated to winning a Republican majority in the House of Representatives.
Priorities USA Action
A liberal super PAC launched by former Obama White House staffers.
House Majority PAC
A Democratic super PAC formed in 2011 and focused on keeping a Democratic majority in the House.
Senate Leadership Fund
A Republican super PAC that was established in 2015 by allies of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
American Bridge 21st Century/AB PAC
A liberal super PAC that conducts opposition research to aid Democratic candidates and organizations.