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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Social Media Posts Spread Bogus Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory

Social Media Posts Spread Bogus Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory

Multiple social media posts are spreading a bogus conspiracy theory about the deadly Wuhan virus. The posts falsely claim that the virus has been patented and a vaccine is already available. That’s not true; the patents the posts refer to pertain to different viruses.

Nadler’s Russia Claim

Nadler’s Russia Claim

Rep. Nadler went too far when he claimed that President Trump “worked with the Russians to try to rig the 2016 election.” The special counsel investigation identified “multiple contacts” between the Trump campaign and those tied to the Russian government, but it “did not establish … coordination” between the two.

Q&A on the FDA’s Flavored E-Cig Policy

Q&A on the FDA’s Flavored E-Cig Policy

The Trump administration announced a new policy that will soon forbid the sale of some, but not all, flavored vapes. We explain the new policy and review the scientific evidence on whether e-cigarettes are likely to have a positive or negative impact on public health.

Trump Yanks Steyer Quote Out of Context

Trump Yanks Steyer Quote Out of Context

President Donald Trump used a truncated quote from Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer to falsely suggest that Steyer thinks “Democrats are going to destroy the economy in 15 minutes if they get in control.” That was Steyer paraphrasing Trump.

FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

In the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses, there were fewer candidates — only six — but more than a few false, misleading and exaggerated claims.

Bloomberg, Trump Spar on Preexisting Conditions

Bloomberg, Trump Spar on Preexisting Conditions

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg charged in a TV ad that President Trump had “broken” a “promise” to protect those with preexisting conditions. Trump fired back that he “saved Pre-Existing Conditions.” In fact, Trump backed plans that would have weakened current protections.

Trump Takes Undue Credit for Cancer Progress

Trump Takes Undue Credit for Cancer Progress

President Donald Trump boasted of the lowest cancer death rate on record, and implied that his administration was responsible for the achievement. While he’s right about the statistic, the improved death rate is the result of decades-long efforts on cancer prevention, detection and treatment.

Amid Military Tension, Meme Misdates Soldiers’ Deaths

Amid Military Tension, Meme Misdates Soldiers’ Deaths

A meme circulating on Facebook displays photos of five U.S. soldiers that purportedly were killed “this Tuesday in Afghanistan.” Actually, they died in 2013 and there was a sixth soldier killed in the same incident who isn’t included in the meme.