A bogus claim that Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House intelligence committee, paid impeachment witnesses “over $40 million” to testify is circulating online. That claim actually originated on a self-described satire website.
Locations: National
Warning: Census ‘Security Alert’ Is a Hoax
False Story Furthers Claim About Dem Defectors
Facebook Posts Mislead on Bloomberg Donation
FactChecking the December Democratic Debate
Video: Hearst on Trump’s Letter to Pelosi
Headline Inflates Impeachment Impact on Dems
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Biden Exaggerates Science on Burn Pits and Brain Cancer
Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden claimed without evidence that “more people are coming home from Iraq with brain cancer” than “any other war,” and blamed burn pits for the purported increase. But existing statistics do not bear that out, and the evidence on the cancer risk of burn pits is inconclusive.