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Phony Tweet Targets AOC

Phony Tweet Targets AOC

A fake tweet circulating online attributes a made-up statement about hurricane preparation to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Another Phony Story Targets Malia Obama

Another Phony Story Targets Malia Obama

A website that describes its content as satire posted a story falsely claiming that Malia Obama was arrested at Harvard University. She wasn’t, but that story has been copied by other sites and shared as though it’s true.

Website Distorts MSNBC Clip

Website Distorts MSNBC Clip

An old clip from a cable news show has been misrepresented by a dubious website to make the false claim that the program’s anchor prayed “for every American to suffer just so Trump won’t get re-elected.”

Trump’s False Auto Industry Tweets

Trump’s False Auto Industry Tweets

President Donald Trump inaccurately tweeted that his fuel efficiency plan would reduce the cost of cars “by more than $3000” and make them “substantially safer.” Even going by his administration’s analysis — which many experts doubt — he inflated the savings and is wrong about car safety.

Instagram Hoax Nabs Rick Perry

Instagram Hoax Nabs Rick Perry

A thoroughly debunked hoax claiming that Instagram users can stop the platform from using their pictures if they post a statement rescinding permission has been circulating again. This time, it ensnared a member of the Trump administration.

Kudlow’s Unsupported USMCA Jobs Claim

Kudlow’s Unsupported USMCA Jobs Claim

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow claimed without evidence that the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement would add “180,000 new jobs per year” in the U.S.

Williamson Misleads on Children’s Health, Vaccines

Williamson Misleads on Children’s Health, Vaccines

In a July 31 television interview, Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson inaccurately implied there might be a connection between vaccines and higher reported rates of childhood chronic diseases. She is correct that reported rates of chronic conditions in kids have increased over the last several decades, but there is no scientific evidence to suggest vaccines are the cause.

Judge in Civil Epstein Case Died in March

Judge in Civil Epstein Case Died in March

Robert Sweet, a federal judge who was overseeing a civil case against Jeffrey Epstein, was not “killed,” as a headline claims, nor did he die in August, as other recently published stories suggest. Sweet died of natural causes in March at age 96.

Meme Inflates Rise in Congressional Salaries

Meme Inflates Rise in Congressional Salaries

A viral meme on Facebook falsely claims that members of Congress have received a “231%” increase in pay in the last 30 years. Automatic cost-of-living adjustments have resulted in an increase of 94.4% from 1989 to 2009.

Video: Harris, Warren on Michael Brown Shooting

Video: Harris, Warren on Michael Brown Shooting

In this fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper explains the Obama-era Department of Justice’s finding that Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man, was shot and killed by a white police officer in “self-defense,” not “murdered,” as Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris claimed.