In a televised town hall, former Vice President Joe Biden made several false or misleading statements while commenting on climate change, veterans and health care.
Locations: National
Old Meme Misinforms on CHIP Funding
The Data on DACA and Crime
Hours before the Supreme Court heard oral arguments over whether the Trump administration could end a deferred deportation program for so-called “Dreamers,” the president tweeted that “some” of those receiving that protection “are very tough, hardened criminals.” But certain criminal activity, such as a felony or significant misdemeanor conviction, is grounds for denial or ejection from the program.
Posts Falsely Claim Trump ‘Stole’ From Vets
Trump Muddies Impeachment Timeline
Blowing the Whistle on a Misinforming Meme
Misleading Meme on First Three Bills by Democrats
Bogus Warren Quote Ignites Immigration Anger
Trump Twists Impeachment Polls
Trump Ad Misleads on Illegal Immigration
President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign makes the misleading claim in a TV ad that he is “cutting illegal immigration in half.” In fact, apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2019 were more than double the total in fiscal year 2016 and almost triple the total in fiscal year 2017.