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Trump Distorts the Facts on Disaster Relief

Trump Distorts the Facts on Disaster Relief

President Donald Trump falsely claimed that Democrats “are trying to stop” disaster relief aid from going to several states. This is an old political trick of claiming the other party doesn’t support something, when both parties support it but have pushed different versions of the legislation.

Trump ‘Quote’ Originated as Satire

Trump ‘Quote’ Originated as Satire

President Donald Trump didn’t call for the “death penalty” for “suicide bombers,” as social media posts say. That’s a made-up quote from a satirical story published in 2017.

Fake Tweet Puts Words in Trump’s Mouth

Fake Tweet Puts Words in Trump’s Mouth

A fake tweet circulating online purports to show a message from President Donald Trump threatening to deport Rep. Ilhan Omar for comments she made referring to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Sign of the Times: Phony Photo Politicizes School

Sign of the Times: Phony Photo Politicizes School

A doctored photo circulating on Facebook falsely claims that a California middle school congratulated President Donald Trump “on reaching his 10,000th lie.” The image came from an online generator that lets users enter their own text.

Barr’s Testimony, In Context

Barr’s Testimony, In Context

In testifying about the special counsel’s report on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, Attorney General William Barr made statements that lacked context or didn’t tell the whole story.

Did Barr Mislead Congress?

Did Barr Mislead Congress?

Democrats claim Attorney General William Barr misled Congress last month when asked if he was aware of concerns that special counsel Robert S. Mueller’s team may have had with his March 24 memo summarizing the Mueller report. We’ll lay out the facts on the matter.

Bogus Claim About Border Rape Revived

Bogus Claim About Border Rape Revived

An unsubstantiated claim from last fall about sexual violence at the southern border has been repackaged in a Facebook meme. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has no record of the alleged incident, and the website that first reported it has retracted the story.

Biden’s Campaign Kickoff Claims

Biden’s Campaign Kickoff Claims

Former Vice President Joe Biden kicked off his third campaign for president with a speech in Pittsburgh that contained a few false and misleading statements.

Measles Misinformation Gets an Immigration Twist

Measles Misinformation Gets an Immigration Twist

A Facebook meme incorrectly blames the measles outbreak in the U.S. on immigrants from South America. The virus, however, was eliminated there in 2016. The recent uptick in measles cases is due to travelers returning from countries with outbreaks.

Twisting Stephen Miller’s Words

Twisting Stephen Miller’s Words

A meme posted on a popular progressive Facebook page leaves out several words and important context in a quote from White House adviser Stephen Miller.