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Posts Misrepresent Old Video of Missile Test as Russian Ships Visit Cuba

Posts Misrepresent Old Video of Missile Test as Russian Ships Visit Cuba

Russian warships conducted simulated military exercises on their way to Cuba in June. But social media posts share clips from a 2018 Russian video of missile tests in the White Sea to claim the warships fired live missiles “off the coast of Florida” before arriving in Havana. A Department of Defense spokesperson said the claim is “not true.”

Posts Spread Unfounded Claims About Russia’s Use of COVID-19 Vaccines

Posts Spread Unfounded Claims About Russia’s Use of COVID-19 Vaccines

Russia developed a COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, in 2020. President Vladimir Putin has said he received three doses of the vaccine, and the government continues to urge Russians to get vaccinated against the disease. But social media posts falsely claimed Putin “ordered the destruction of all” COVID-19 vaccine stockpiles in Russia.

Viral Photo of Russian Bomber Shows Incident from 2020

Viral Photo of Russian Bomber Shows Incident from 2020

Amid rising tensions between the U.S. and Russia over the invasion of Ukraine, a misleading photo posted March 22 on Facebook shows an American fighter jet intercepting a Russian bomber near Alaskan airspace. But the incident was not related to the current situation in Ukraine; the photo appeared in an article published in Aero Magazine in June 2020.

Zelensky Remains in Ukraine, Despite False Claims on Social Media

Zelensky Remains in Ukraine, Despite False Claims on Social Media

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has appeared in several recent videos that show he has remained in the country since Russia invaded on Feb. 24. But a post circulating on Facebook falsely claims he fled and recorded a video using a green screen to make it appear as though he’s still in Ukraine. There’s no evidence to support the claim. A digital forensics expert told us that nothing in the video indicates it was filmed using a green screen.

FactChecking Claims About the Conflict in Ukraine

FactChecking Claims About the Conflict in Ukraine

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, following months of military buildup and, as we’ve written, repeated denials by Russian officials that their country planned to invade. As is often the case with major news events, we have seen several false and misleading claims made on social media and by politicians related to the conflict.

Russian Rhetoric Ahead of Attack Against Ukraine: Deny, Deflect, Mislead

Russian Rhetoric Ahead of Attack Against Ukraine: Deny, Deflect, Mislead

As Russia amassed troops on the Ukrainian border, Russian leaders repeatedly denied that their country had plans to invade Ukraine. They blamed the U.S., Ukraine and others for the tension, insisting that Russia is a “peaceful country” and that it is “not going to attack anyone.” Here we round up some of their statements during a monthslong misinformation campaign.