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The Facts on Mental Illness and Mass Shootings

The Facts on Mental Illness and Mass Shootings

Q: Do people with serious mental health disorders pose a greater risk of becoming mass shooters?
A: People with mental illnesses are somewhat more likely to be violent than those without a diagnosis. But a majority are never violent, and very little is known specifically about mass murder.

Baseless Claim of Odessa Shooter’s ‘Beto Sticker’

Baseless Claim of Odessa Shooter’s ‘Beto Sticker’

Viral posts on social media make the baseless claim that the shooter in Odessa, Texas, had a sticker on his car for Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke. The Texas Department of Public Safety said there was no sticker on the car he was driving during the attack.

Video: Trump’s Bogus El Paso Claim

Video: Trump’s Bogus El Paso Claim

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s false claim about El Paso’s violent crime rates.

Republican Closing Ads: Immigration

Republican Closing Ads: Immigration

In the final days of the 2018 election, Republicans across the country are running TV ads about immigration that falsely accuse some Democrats of wanting “open borders,” plotting to “abolish ICE,” supporting “sanctuary cities” and more.

No ‘Charges Filed’ Against Beto O’Rourke

No ‘Charges Filed’ Against Beto O’Rourke

Q: Were “charges filed” against U.S. Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke of Texas for accepting an “illegal $10 million campaign donation” from CNN?

A: No. A Libertarian opponent filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, claiming CNN’s town hall event with O’Rourke was worth $10 million.

Misleading Ad Targets O’Rourke for Border Comments

Misleading Ad Targets O’Rourke for Border Comments

A misleading TV ad from Sen. Ted Cruz claims Rep. Beto O’Rourke “said crossing the border illegally should not be a crime.” O’Rourke wasn’t referring to all illegal border crossings. He said asylum-seekers who enter the country between official entry ports should not be prosecuted.

Texas Shooting Unrelated to Antifa

Texas Shooting Unrelated to Antifa

Q: Was the man who killed more than two dozen people in a rural Texas church trying to start a civil war as a member of antifa?

A: No. Law enforcement officials believe the mass shooting was motivated by a family dispute, and they are not investigating it as an act of terrorism.

Clinton Foundation Isn’t Charging FEMA

Clinton Foundation Isn’t Charging FEMA

Q: Is the Clinton Foundation charging the Federal Emergency Management Agency to send supplies to victims of Hurricane Harvey?

A:  No. That claim originated on a satirical news site. The Clinton Foundation has not charged FEMA for bottled water or other relief items.