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Examining Biden’s Farm Bankruptcy Claim

Examining Biden’s Farm Bankruptcy Claim

Joe Biden claimed that farm bankruptcies increased last year “due largely to Trump’s unmitigated disaster of a tariff war.” International trade was a factor, but there were additional reasons that predate the trade war.

Trump’s Claims on IG, Wisconsin Election

Trump’s Claims on IG, Wisconsin Election

At the White House coronavirus task force press briefing on April 7, President Donald Trump distorted the facts about the person he dismissed as the chief watchdog for spending under the new pandemic relief legislation and the Wisconsin election, which took place as scheduled despite the coronavirus outbreak.

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Wisconsin Rally

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Wisconsin Rally

In this week’s fact-check video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at seven false or misleading claims President Donald Trump made at a recent campaign rally in Wisconsin.

Trump Wrong About Wisconsin Election Results

Trump Wrong About Wisconsin Election Results

President Donald Trump got his election history wrong when he said that Ronald Reagan lost Wisconsin, and that before his 2016 win, no GOP presidential candidate had won the state since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952.

Restoration PAC

A conservative super PAC that supports or opposes candidates based on their adherence to the “Blueprint for the Restoration of America.”

Wisconsin Senior Scare

Wisconsin Senior Scare

A Wisconsin Democrat’s ad falsely accuses his opponent of proposing to cut Social Security benefits for two-thirds of seniors. Actually, benefits would go up for the poorest one-third of current beneficiaries, and would be unchanged for most others.

Soros Not Funding Kasich PAC

Soros Not Funding Kasich PAC

A TV ad that falsely claimed that Democratic donor George Soros gave “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich has been revised. But the ad now uses guilt by association to link Kasich to Soros.

Trump Repeats Debunked Deficit Claim

Trump Repeats Debunked Deficit Claim

Donald Trump continues to say that Wisconsin has a budget deficit of $2.2 billion. It didn’t last year when he made the same claim, and it doesn’t this year, either.

Fuzzy ‘Math’ in Anti-Trump TV Ad

Fuzzy ‘Math’ in Anti-Trump TV Ad

An image that appears in an anti-Donald Trump TV ad inaccurately shows that Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich combined have more delegates than Trump. In fact, Trump has more delegates than both men combined, 739 to 608.