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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center
SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project

Posts Misrepresent Mouse Study of Pangolin Virus

Posts Misrepresent Mouse Study of Pangolin Virus

A study showed a type of lab mouse is highly susceptible to a coronavirus derived from pangolins, a scaly, cat-sized mammal. This doesn’t mean the virus is dangerous to humans. The virus is related to the one that causes COVID-19 but did not descend from it, contrary to claims that it is a “mutant COVID-19 strain.” Nor did scientists “craft” the virus.

Posts Misrepresent WHO Term ‘Disease X’ for Possible Future Illness

Posts Misrepresent WHO Term ‘Disease X’ for Possible Future Illness

The World Health Organization began using the term “Disease X” in a 2018 planning document to refer to a “currently unknown” illness. But since the term was used at the January meeting of the World Economic Forum, conspiracy theorists baselessly claim Disease X is part of a “Globalist Plan to … Install World Government.”

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Alter DNA, Cause Cancer

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Alter DNA, Cause Cancer

Small amounts of DNA from the manufacturing process may remain in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Purification and quality control steps ensure any leftover DNA is present within regulatory limits. There isn’t reason to think that this residual DNA would alter a person’s DNA or cause cancer, contrary to claims made online.

Posts Falsely Push Bill Gates-Connected ‘Air’ Vaccine Conspiracy

Posts Falsely Push Bill Gates-Connected ‘Air’ Vaccine Conspiracy

Inhalable or spray versions of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are still in development and don’t have regulatory approval. Posts online are distorting recent research from Yale University to falsely claim that governments have approved such products to mass vaccinate people without their consent in a plot involving Bill Gates.

No Evidence Pfizer Conducting Any Inappropriate Coronavirus Experiments

No Evidence Pfizer Conducting Any Inappropriate Coronavirus Experiments

Scientists say the experiments Pfizer has performed on the coronavirus are standard for the industry. Baseless claims that the company is mutating the virus for profit, however, have been circulating since the release of a popular undercover video from the conservative activist group Project Veritas.

Posts Misrepresent Moderna CEO’s Remarks on Vaccine Production

Posts Misrepresent Moderna CEO’s Remarks on Vaccine Production

Moderna’s CEO said in January that the company’s total production in 2019 was “100,000 dose,” referring to all its vaccines and therapeutics. Online posts distorted the remarks to falsely claim Moderna made COVID-19 vaccines “before the pandemic started.” Moderna’s first batch of COVID-19 vaccines wasn’t ready until February 2020.

‘Died Suddenly’ Pushes Bogus Depopulation Theory

‘Died Suddenly’ Pushes Bogus Depopulation Theory

What appear to be ordinary postmortem blood clots are held up in a viral online video as supposed evidence that there’s a depopulation plot underway using COVID-19 vaccination to kill people. There’s no evidence for this theory. The hourlong video also repeats numerous falsehoods that have previously been debunked.