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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center
SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project

Meme Distorts Facts on Annual Death Statistics

Meme Distorts Facts on Annual Death Statistics

An image circulating on social media erroneously claims that the total number of deaths in the U.S. this year is significantly down compared to previous years. The meme — which implies COVID-19 restrictions weren’t needed — actually uses an incomplete figure for 2020 and makes a flawed comparison.

Paul Misleads on Natural Infection and COVID-19 Vaccines

Paul Misleads on Natural Infection and COVID-19 Vaccines

In a tweet, Sen. Rand Paul misleadingly suggested that immunity from “[n]aturally acquired” COVID-19 was better than that from a vaccine. But it’s not known how immunity from the two sources compares — and the entire point of a vaccine is to offer immunity without the risk of getting sick.

Biden Adviser Didn’t Propose Requiring COVID-19 Vaccine for Food Stamps

Biden Adviser Didn’t Propose Requiring COVID-19 Vaccine for Food Stamps

A report from two dozen experts — including a doctor named to President-elect Joe Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board — recommended using existing social service programs to connect people with COVID-19 vaccine distribution. The report did not advise requiring vaccination in order to receive such services, as social media posts falsely claim.

Trump Baselessly Alleges COVID-19 Vaccine Announcement Was Delayed

Trump Baselessly Alleges COVID-19 Vaccine Announcement Was Delayed

In a series of tweets, President Donald Trump claimed — without evidence — that the pharma company Pfizer and his own FDA purposely held off on releasing positive interim results about a COVID-19 vaccine candidate until after the election.

Uganda’s Low COVID-19 Cases Due to Restrictions, Not Hydroxychloroquine

Uganda’s Low COVID-19 Cases Due to Restrictions, Not Hydroxychloroquine

Uganda has had relatively low numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths — but not because of hydroxychloroquine, as an article on social media claims. Uganda’s guidelines initially included the use of the drug as an experimental medication, but studies showed it made no difference. Instead, the country implemented a strict lockdown and mask mandate that has limited the virus’ spread. 

Viral Article Distorts Military’s Role in Vaccine Distribution

Viral Article Distorts Military’s Role in Vaccine Distribution

The U.S. military may assist in the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available, but it will not forcibly administer vaccines, as a viral article shared on social media falsely suggests. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, has said mandatory vaccination “would be unenforceable and not appropriate.”