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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center
SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project

No Evidence Vaccines Impact Fertility

No Evidence Vaccines Impact Fertility

Q: Do the COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility?
A: There’s no evidence that approved vaccines cause fertility loss. Although clinical trials did not study the issue, loss of fertility has not been reported among thousands of trial participants nor confirmed as an adverse event among millions who have been vaccinated. 

How long will a person be protected if vaccinated against COVID-19?

It’s not known exactly how long vaccination lasts, particularly against the omicron variant. But studies of previous variants have suggested that COVID-19 vaccination protects against infection or mild disease for several months, while protection against more serious illness is longer-lasting, on the order of six months or more.
A systematic review of studies conducted prior to omicron, for example, found that for the four main COVID-19 vaccines used worldwide,

How does community immunity apply to COVID-19?

Community immunity, often referred to as herd immunity, refers to a situation in which enough of a population is immune to an infectious disease, either through vaccination or prior infection, to largely stop transmission of the disease and indirectly protect those who aren’t immune. The more contagious the disease, the higher proportion of people need to have immunity to get community immunity.
This classical definition applies to diseases such as measles,

Could a COVID-19 vaccine become mandatory?

Some employers have required their employees to be vaccinated, or undergo regular testing, for COVID-19. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has said that employers aren’t prevented from having a mandatory vaccination policy for COVID-19 for employees who are physically in the workplace, as long as employers comply with federal laws stipulating that reasonable accommodations should be made for workers who cannot be immunized because of a disability or religious reason.
President Joe Biden also signed executive orders in September 2021 to require all federal workers and contractors who do business with the federal government to be vaccinated.

How much does a COVID-19 vaccine cost?

The COVID-19 vaccines are no longer provided by the federal government for free, but private insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid, and some Centers for Disease Control and Prevention programs will cover them.
The CDC’s Bridge Access Program provides free vaccines to adults without health insurance and those whose insurance doesn’t pick up all of the cost, through local health centers, health care providers and certain retail pharmacies. The Vaccines for Children Program provides free vaccines for kids who are either Medicaid-eligible,

How can I report a potential vaccine safety issue?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration have multiple surveillance systems for ensuring vaccine safety. If a health issue occurs after vaccination, people are encouraged to submit information to one of these systems, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Experts do analysis and comb through the submissions to identify and follow-up on adverse reactions that might be due to vaccines.

Why were the COVID-19 vaccines authorized on an emergency basis, and how is that different from full approval?

The Food and Drug Administration expedited review of the vaccines because of the public health risks of the ongoing pandemic. All three vaccines in use in the U.S. were rolled out under an emergency use authorization, or EUA, which is typically less stringent than the full licensure, which is called a biologics license application, or BLA. However, the FDA added more rigorous requirements for a COVID-19 vaccine EUA.
Under a standard EUA, regulators must determine that the product “may be effective” and the “known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks.” For these EUAs,

How were safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines developed so rapidly?

The unprecedented speed of the COVID-19 vaccines was due to multiple factors.
Candidates for an mRNA vaccine — the technology used for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines — can be quickly designed once scientists know the genetic sequence of the virus and which protein to target. Researchers already knew from past experience with SARS and MERS, which are other diseases caused by coronaviruses, that the spike protein the virus uses to enter cells was likely the right one.

Biden’s Misleading Vaccine Boasts

Biden’s Misleading Vaccine Boasts

In remarks at a Pfizer manufacturing site, President Joe Biden made misleading claims while boasting about his administration’s progress in getting Americans vaccinated against COVID-19.