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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Has Not Been ‘Clear’ in Support of Masks

Trump Has Not Been ‘Clear’ in Support of Masks

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar says President Trump has been “clear” in calling for the public to “wear face coverings when you can’t social distance.” The official messaging from the White House has been clear. The president’s statements have been anything but.

Trump’s Repeated False Attacks on Mail-In Ballots

Trump’s Repeated False Attacks on Mail-In Ballots

The president repeatedly sows doubt about mail-in voting, echoing what intelligence officials have said is a Russian strategy to undermine public trust in the election. We review his statements this month and recap our stories on his false, misleading and unsupported claims.

Trump’s False Auto Industry Claims

Trump’s False Auto Industry Claims

Continuing a yearslong trend, President Donald Trump made false and misleading comments about new auto plants in Michigan, and the industry at large.

Trump’s Nobel Nonsense

Trump’s Nobel Nonsense

President Trump has repeatedly conflated winning a Nobel Peace Prize with being nominated for one, and has wrongly faulted the media for ignoring his nomination after making former President Obama’s nomination in 2009 “the biggest story I’ve ever seen.”