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Examining Biden’s Farm Bankruptcy Claim

Examining Biden’s Farm Bankruptcy Claim

Joe Biden claimed that farm bankruptcies increased last year “due largely to Trump’s unmitigated disaster of a tariff war.” International trade was a factor, but there were additional reasons that predate the trade war.

More False Mail-In Ballot Claims from Trump

More False Mail-In Ballot Claims from Trump

California will send every registered voter in the state a mail-in ballot for the November general election. But President Donald Trump falsely said, on Twitter and at the White House, that the ballots would go to “anyone living in the state, no matter who they are or how they got there” and “people that aren’t citizens.”

Trump Adds New Falsehood to Pelosi/Chinatown Claims

Trump Adds New Falsehood to Pelosi/Chinatown Claims

President Donald Trump has upped the ante in his allegations about Nancy Pelosi and Chinatown, falsely charging that the House speaker urged foreign nationals to “bring your infection” to the San Francisco neighborhood. Pelosi never issued such an invitation.

Dueling Ads in the Kentucky Senate Race

Dueling Ads in the Kentucky Senate Race

The Kentucky Senate race — likely pitting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell against Democratic challenger, and former Marine fighter pilot, Amy McGrath — is playing out on the airwaves. But the recent TV ads don’t always square with the facts.