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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Warren Misleads on Her Kids’ Schooling

Warren Misleads on Her Kids’ Schooling

Sen. Elizabeth Warren misleadingly told a group of school-choice activists that her children “went to public schools,” not private ones. Warren’s campaign later clarified that her daughter attended public school, while her son mostly attended private school.

Trump’s ISIS Claim Goes to the Dogs

Trump’s ISIS Claim Goes to the Dogs

During a White House event honoring a now-famous military dog, President Donald Trump repeated a false talking point on how much Islamic State-held land had been recaptured under his presidency.

Unpacking Sanders’ ‘Climate Refugee’ Statistic

Unpacking Sanders’ ‘Climate Refugee’ Statistic

In the last Democratic debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders said that the United Nations is projecting “hundreds of millions of climate refugees” in the “years to come” as a result of climate change. The U.N., however, doesn’t currently endorse a particular estimate.

Trump Repeats False Ukraine Claims

Trump Repeats False Ukraine Claims

President Donald Trump called into “Fox & Friends” a day after the impeachment hearings ended and repeated false statements that have been debunked by fact-checkers and, in some cases, members of his own administration.

Trump Cherry-Picks Sondland Testimony

Trump Cherry-Picks Sondland Testimony

President Donald Trump said he “turned off the television” after Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified that the president told him in a phone call, “I want nothing [from Ukraine]. I want no quid pro quo.” But Sondland had a lot more to say than that.

Legal Implications of Outing the Whistleblower

Legal Implications of Outing the Whistleblower

In one heated exchange during day three of the impeachment hearings, Rep. Adam Schiff cut off a line of questioning to protect the whistleblower’s identity, saying the whistleblower has “a statutory right to anonymity.” But the law he cited does not explicitly prohibit members of Congress from disclosing a whistleblower’s name.

Trump Misquotes Pelosi

Trump Misquotes Pelosi

In an early morning tweet, President Donald Trump falsely attributed a quote to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The quote was actually a Fox News reporter’s characterization of Pelosi’s words. Trump then distorted what she actually said.

Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid

Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid

Rep. Steve Scalise spun two keys facts about Ukrainian aid to defend President Donald Trump against accusations that Trump withheld that aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate the alleged Ukraine interference in the 2016 U.S. election, as well as former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Discrepancy in White House Versions of First Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

Discrepancy in White House Versions of First Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

A White House statement issued April 21 said President Trump in a phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky “expressed his commitment to work together with President-elect Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people to implement reforms that strengthen democracy, increase prosperity, and root out corruption.” But a newly released White House memo of the April call showed Trump did not discuss any of that.

Trump’s Exaggerated Judicial Boasts

Trump’s Exaggerated Judicial Boasts

President Donald Trump recently boasted about the unusually high number of judicial appointments he has made so far, but in doing so he exaggerated and mischaracterized some of the facts.