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Trump’s False Auto Industry Tweets

Trump’s False Auto Industry Tweets

President Donald Trump inaccurately tweeted that his fuel efficiency plan would reduce the cost of cars “by more than $3000” and make them “substantially safer.” Even going by his administration’s analysis — which many experts doubt — he inflated the savings and is wrong about car safety.

Can Trump ‘Order’ U.S. Companies to Leave China?

Can Trump ‘Order’ U.S. Companies to Leave China?

President Trump said he “hereby ordered” U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative to China,” including moving their operations back to the United States. His top economic adviser later said “we do have such authority, but it is not going to be exercised presently.” Here we look at the 1977 law the administration cited.

Trump’s Dubious Michigan ‘Man of the Year’ Boast

Trump’s Dubious Michigan ‘Man of the Year’ Boast

President Donald Trump has claimed no fewer than seven times over the past three years — including at a recent rally in New Hampshire — that he won Michigan’s “man of the year” award. But there’s no evidence that he did.

O’Rourke on Jobs ‘No One Else Will Do’

O’Rourke on Jobs ‘No One Else Will Do’

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said workers living in the U.S. illegally who were swept up in immigration raids at chicken processing plants in Mississippi are “doing a job that no one else will do.” The jobs are hard and don’t pay well, but they are in demand at one of the plants.

Kudlow’s Unsupported USMCA Jobs Claim

Kudlow’s Unsupported USMCA Jobs Claim

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow claimed without evidence that the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement would add “180,000 new jobs per year” in the U.S.

U.S.-Japan Trade Deficit Not ‘Changing Rapidly’

U.S.-Japan Trade Deficit Not ‘Changing Rapidly’

In Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that the trade deficit with Japan is “changing rapidly.” In fact, the U.S. deficit in goods and services with Japan is up slightly under Trump.

Biden Misleads on Top 1% Tax Rate

Biden Misleads on Top 1% Tax Rate

The top 1% of taxpayers, on average, pay a higher effective tax rate than middle-income people, contrary to a claim Joe Biden made on the campaign trail.

Harris Wrong on Autoworker Jobs

Harris Wrong on Autoworker Jobs

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris wrongly claimed that “as many as 300,000 autoworkers may be out of a job before the end of the year.” That’s a high-end estimate for total job losses — not solely among autoworkers — due to the potential impact of the Trump administration’s trade policies, including actions not yet taken.

Misinformation Flows Following Epstein’s Death

Misinformation Flows Following Epstein’s Death

Unfounded claims and baseless conspiracy theories have run rampant in the aftermath of the Aug. 10 death of accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Here we recap some of the stories that we have written so far on the Epstein case.

Harris, Warren Wrong About Brown Shooting

Harris, Warren Wrong About Brown Shooting

On Aug. 9, 2014, Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man, was shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, in what the Obama administration’s Department of Justice determined was an act of “self-defense.” But Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren referred to Brown’s death as a “murder.”