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Yang’s Top-Gun Tale

Yang’s Top-Gun Tale

Making a point about Defense Department waste, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang related a secondhand story about a Navy fighter pilot who said that airmen routinely dumped fuel into the Pacific Ocean at the end of the fiscal year as a way to preserve the following year’s fuel budget. But the story doesn’t add up.

Biden’s Record on Iraq War

Biden’s Record on Iraq War

Twice in the last five weeks, Joe Biden has claimed that despite voting to authorize military force against Iraq in 2002, he opposed the Iraq war from “the moment” it began. That’s not accurate, and Biden now says he misspoke.

Deceptive Second Amendment Ads

Deceptive Second Amendment Ads

Ads posted on Facebook from a committee working to reelect President Donald Trump claim that Democrats are calling for the Second Amendment to be repealed. To support the claim, the Trump campaign pointed to statements by a few state lawmakers and one candidate for U.S. Senate.

Trump Doubles Down on Inaccurate Hurricane Forecast

Trump Doubles Down on Inaccurate Hurricane Forecast

President Trump inaccurately stated in his Sept. 1 tweet that Alabama “will most likely be hit” by Hurricane Dorian — a statement that was fact-checked in real time by the National Weather Service. Despite that, Trump has twisted the facts by using an altered forecast map to support his inaccurate tweet.

Pence’s ‘Politically Correct’ Obama VA Claim

Pence’s ‘Politically Correct’ Obama VA Claim

In an address to veterans, Vice President Mike Pence claimed that “under the last administration, VA hospitals were removing Bibles and even banning Christmas carols in an effort to be politically correct.” There’s less to the isolated incidents than Pence’s claim suggests.

Trump’s False Auto Industry Tweets

Trump’s False Auto Industry Tweets

President Donald Trump inaccurately tweeted that his fuel efficiency plan would reduce the cost of cars “by more than $3000” and make them “substantially safer.” Even going by his administration’s analysis — which many experts doubt — he inflated the savings and is wrong about car safety.

Can Trump ‘Order’ U.S. Companies to Leave China?

Can Trump ‘Order’ U.S. Companies to Leave China?

President Trump said he “hereby ordered” U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative to China,” including moving their operations back to the United States. His top economic adviser later said “we do have such authority, but it is not going to be exercised presently.” Here we look at the 1977 law the administration cited.

Trump’s Dubious Michigan ‘Man of the Year’ Boast

Trump’s Dubious Michigan ‘Man of the Year’ Boast

President Donald Trump has claimed no fewer than seven times over the past three years — including at a recent rally in New Hampshire — that he won Michigan’s “man of the year” award. But there’s no evidence that he did.

O’Rourke on Jobs ‘No One Else Will Do’

O’Rourke on Jobs ‘No One Else Will Do’

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said workers living in the U.S. illegally who were swept up in immigration raids at chicken processing plants in Mississippi are “doing a job that no one else will do.” The jobs are hard and don’t pay well, but they are in demand at one of the plants.

Kudlow’s Unsupported USMCA Jobs Claim

Kudlow’s Unsupported USMCA Jobs Claim

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow claimed without evidence that the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement would add “180,000 new jobs per year” in the U.S.