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Confusion at the Border

Confusion at the Border

In recent days, contradictory claims have been made about border issues, including the living conditions for migrants being housed at U.S. Customs and Border Protection detention facilities.

Trump on ‘Unfair’ U.S.-Japan Security Treaty

Trump on ‘Unfair’ U.S.-Japan Security Treaty

President Donald Trump described a security treaty with Japan as an “unfair agreement” negotiated by “stupid” American officials in which “Japan doesn’t have to help us at all” if the U.S. is attacked. But that ignores the benefits in the treaty for the U.S.

No Evidence Kim Jong Un Rebuffed Obama’s ‘Begging’

No Evidence Kim Jong Un Rebuffed Obama’s ‘Begging’

Prior to his historic meeting with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, President Donald Trump made the unfounded claim that Barack Obama tried many times to meet with Kim, but was rebuffed. Obama administration officials and experts on U.S.-North Korea relations say that’s not true, and Trump offered no evidence to back up his claim.

Are Wages Rising or Flat?

Are Wages Rising or Flat?

Parsing the political claims on wages is an exercise in fun with statistics. There are several different ways to measure what’s happened to workers’ paychecks, leading to disparate and conflicting claims, and confusing messages to voters.

Trump’s Baseless Accusation of Mueller ‘Crime’

Trump’s Baseless Accusation of Mueller ‘Crime’

President Donald Trump — without evidence — accused special counsel Robert Mueller of illegally deleting the text messages of two people who had been assigned to the Russia investigation.

Video: FactChecking the First Debate

Video: FactChecking the First Debate

In this video, we review claims made during the first Democratic debate by Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas and Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio.

Facts on Warren’s Wealth Tax Plan

Facts on Warren’s Wealth Tax Plan

Sen. Elizabeth Warren likes to say, “I’ve got a plan for that.” She has lots of plans, but there is one on which many of the others hinge: her plan for an “Ultra-Millionaire Tax,” an annual wealth tax on all assets over $50 million. We’ll answer several questions about how it would work and what it might raise.

Trump’s New Twist on False Voter Fraud Claim

Trump’s New Twist on False Voter Fraud Claim

President Donald Trump falsely suggested that California admitted that “a million votes” were cast as part of “much illegal voting” in that state during the 2016 presidential election.