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Trump’s Russia Investigation Repeats

Trump’s Russia Investigation Repeats

In his first extended interview since the completion of the special counsel probe, President Donald Trump repeated several false and misleading claims regarding the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Dossier Not What ‘Started All of This’

Dossier Not What ‘Started All of This’

In an interview about the special counsel’s report, Rep. John Ratcliffe said that what “started all of this” was “a fake, phony dossier.” But a House Republican intelligence committee memo said it was information about a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser that sparked the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation.

Conway’s Spin on Trump’s ‘Obstructive Conduct’

Conway’s Spin on Trump’s ‘Obstructive Conduct’

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway falsely claimed that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report concluded that President Donald Trump engaged in “no — quote — ‘obstructive conduct'” during the Russia investigation. Mueller’s report said it “does not exonerate” Trump of obstruction of justice.

Nadler Gets the Facts Wrong on Russia Probe

Nadler Gets the Facts Wrong on Russia Probe

Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, misrepresented the facts regarding two key moments in the special counsel’s investigation of President Donald Trump and his campaign.

Democratic Medicare Spin

Democratic Medicare Spin

Democratic lawmakers claim the president’s proposed 2020 budget would “ransack” or “slash” Medicare and Medicaid, likening it to an “assault on Medicare” and “the health care of seniors and families across America.” Experts agree the proposed cuts to Medicaid are significant, but many of the Medicare proposals echo those of Barack Obama and wouldn’t directly affect beneficiaries.

Trump Touts Questionable Survey Results

Trump Touts Questionable Survey Results

A national survey promoted by President Donald Trump may not show that “50% of Americans AGREE that Robert Mueller’s investigation is a Witch Hunt,” as he tweeted. Some experts say the survey question is flawed.

The Facts on White Nationalism

The Facts on White Nationalism

In the wake of the attack on two New Zealand mosques, President Donald Trump said he did not see white nationalism as a rising threat, but rather “a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.” Experts, however, say several indicators suggest white nationalism is on the rise.

Video: Trump’s Border Wall Spin

Video: Trump’s Border Wall Spin

This week’s fact-checking video by CNN’s Jake Tapper concerns several claims by President Donald Trump to justify his national emergency declaration for a border wall.

Democrats Mislead on Military Pay, Pensions

Democrats Mislead on Military Pay, Pensions

Several Democrats have claimed that the president’s emergency declaration could “raid” or “take money away” from military pay and pensions to fund construction of the border wall. But the money is actually leftover funding due to lower-than-expected recruits and fewer early retirements.

Spinning Popular Support for Emergency Declaration

Spinning Popular Support for Emergency Declaration

With the Senate set to vote on whether to oppose his border emergency declaration, President Donald Trump has called on Republicans to close ranks on what he says is an “80 percent positive issue.” That’s spin.