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Kavanaugh Files: Second Amendment

Kavanaugh Files: Second Amendment

Democrats have described Brett Kavanaugh as “a true Second Amendment radical” who is “far outside the mainstream of legal thought” — more conservative than the late Justice Antonin Scalia. The criticism stems from Kavanaugh’s dissent in a 2011 appeals court ruling that upheld the District of Columbia’s law banning semi-automatic rifles. We take a look at the facts.

Kavanaugh Files: The Affordable Care Act

Kavanaugh Files: The Affordable Care Act

Several Democratic senators have claimed that Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s history shows he would be a danger on the court to the Affordable Care Act. We examine Kavanaugh’s dissents in cases involving the ACA.

Trump Distorts Facts on Collins, Hunter Indictments

Trump Distorts Facts on Collins, Hunter Indictments

President Donald Trump distorted the facts in a Labor Day tweet complaining about the Justice Department’s indictments last month of two of his earliest congressional allies, Reps. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter Jr.

U.S. Trade with Canada Not ‘Smaller’ Than With Mexico

U.S. Trade with Canada Not ‘Smaller’ Than With Mexico

In announcing a tentative agreement with Mexico, President Donald Trump called Mexico “a very large trading partner” and said negotiations would now begin with Canada, which he called a “smaller segment.” But U.S. trade with Canada was about $57 billion larger than trade with Mexico in 2017.

The Facts on Medicare Part B Policy Change

The Facts on Medicare Part B Policy Change

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar has described a new policy as “unleashing our Medicare Advantage plans to negotiate discounting on $12 billion of drugs.” Some patient advocacy groups have described the policy as one that “could erect barriers to care for cancer” and put “insurers in control of treatment decisions.” We’ll explain what the new policy entails.

Sen. Manchin Often Votes with Trump

Sen. Manchin Often Votes with Trump

A Republican TV ad claims Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia is “fighting the Trump agenda,” even though he has voted with the president nearly 61 percent of the time.

U.S. Not Ranked the ‘Cleanest’ Country

U.S. Not Ranked the ‘Cleanest’ Country

President Donald Trump recently said “we’ve got the cleanest country in the planet right now” when it comes to “clean air” and “clean water.” Rankings compiled by researchers at Yale and Columbia universities say otherwise.

Old Mud in New Mexico

Old Mud in New Mexico

A Democratic ad revives long-discredited claims of corruption and shady dealing by GOP Rep. Steve Pearce of New Mexico. We thoroughly debunked those same claims eight years ago. And unlike wine and whiskey, political mud doesn’t improve with age.

Cohen Plea Deal Exposes Repeated False Claims

Cohen Plea Deal Exposes Repeated False Claims

For many months, President Donald Trump, his White House staff and his personal attorneys, Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani, repeatedly made false, misleading and contradictory statements about illegal payments that were made during the 2016 campaign to silence two women who claimed to have extramarital affairs with Trump.

Giuliani Misleads on Trump Tower Meeting

Giuliani Misleads on Trump Tower Meeting

Rudy Giuliani falsely claimed that when Donald Trump Jr. and other Trump campaign officials agreed to meet Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower in June 2016 “they didn’t know she was a representative of the Russian government.”