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Video: FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Address

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Address

In this video, we review four statements President Donald Trump made during his national address on illegal immigration and the need for Congress to appropriate $5.7 billion for a wall along the Southwest border. 

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Address

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Address

In a national address, President Donald Trump called on Congress to provide $5.7 billion for a border wall to address what he called a “crisis” on the border. The president made some false and misleading claims, and provided some facts without context.

Misleading Border Crime Statistic

Misleading Border Crime Statistic

U.S. Border Patrol encountered 6,259 immigrants with criminal convictions, many of them for illegal entry charges, in fiscal 2018, according to the most recent statistics. Yet, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney misleadingly claimed authorities “had arrested 17,000 criminals at the southern border.”

RNC Misleads on ‘Immoral’ Democratic Bill

RNC Misleads on ‘Immoral’ Democratic Bill

The RNC attacks a “Pelosi plan” as “immoral” because it “would spend $54 billion taxpayer dollars on foreign countries” but not address “the border crisis.” Yet that’s the same amount that Republican-controlled appropriations committees approved in June for the State Department’s operations, which includes foreign aid.

Democratic Spin on Border Security Funds

Democratic Spin on Border Security Funds

Democrats say the Trump administration is asking for more money for a border wall even though it has spent only 6 percent of the funds that Congress has appropriated for border security over the past two years. That’s misleading. About 60 percent has been awarded to contracts.

Trump’s Border Blunders

Trump’s Border Blunders

On the day he met with congressional leaders to discuss the budget stalemate, President Donald Trump repeated several false and misleading claims about the Southwest border and the wall he wants to build.

Rep.-elect Green Wrong About Vaccines, CDC Fraud

Rep.-elect Green Wrong About Vaccines, CDC Fraud

At a town hall event on Dec. 11, Rep.-elect Mark Green of Tennessee inaccurately claimed that vaccine preservatives might cause autism. He also repeated an unsubstantiated claim that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “fraudulently managed” data that showed a link between vaccinations and autism.

Trump, Giuliani Distort Facts on IG Report

Trump, Giuliani Distort Facts on IG Report

President Donald Trump and one of his lawyers, Rudy Giuliani, distorted the findings of a new report about the forensic recovery of text messages exchanged between Peter Strzok, a former FBI senior counterintelligence agent, and Lisa Page, a former FBI lawyer.

Trump Wrong About Poverty ‘Record’

Trump Wrong About Poverty ‘Record’

The U.S. Census Bureau officially estimates that close to 1 million fewer people were in poverty in 2017 compared with 2016. President Donald Trump called the decline “a record,” but it’s not.

Is Mexico Paying for the Wall Through USMCA?

Is Mexico Paying for the Wall Through USMCA?

President Donald Trump declared via Twitter that he is keeping perhaps his most famous campaign promise, claiming that “MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL!” through a recent trade agreement negotiated with Mexico. But economic and trade experts we interviewed said that’s not possible.