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Trump’s Spin on Kavanaugh and FBI

Trump’s Spin on Kavanaugh and FBI

In his press conference at the United Nations, President Donald Trump defended his decision not to ask the FBI to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But his reasons for his decision did not square with the facts.

Trump’s Claim of Chinese Election Interference

Trump’s Claim of Chinese Election Interference

At a United Nations meeting, President Donald Trump claimed the U.S. “found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election.” But the president offered no evidence of covert actions, such as the kind that Russia engaged in during the 2016 election.

Graham Goes Too Far in Kavanaugh’s Defense

Graham Goes Too Far in Kavanaugh’s Defense

Sen. Lindsey Graham went beyond what is publicly known about an accusation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was involved in a sexual assault as a teenager, saying “everybody named in regard to being there said it didn’t happen.”

Misleading Ad Targets O’Rourke for Border Comments

Misleading Ad Targets O’Rourke for Border Comments

A misleading TV ad from Sen. Ted Cruz claims Rep. Beto O’Rourke “said crossing the border illegally should not be a crime.” O’Rourke wasn’t referring to all illegal border crossings. He said asylum-seekers who enter the country between official entry ports should not be prosecuted.

Falsehoods About Ford

Falsehoods About Ford

In the days after Christine Blasey Ford came forward to describe an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when they were teenagers, a series of falsehoods about the woman circulated online, questioning her credibility and motives.

Vying for Veterans’ Votes in Nevada

Vying for Veterans’ Votes in Nevada

Competing campaign ads in the Nevada Senate race would have voters believe both candidates have done a disservice to veterans. But a closer inspection reveals cracks in several of the claims.

Facts on Trade

Facts on Trade

Here we highlight a number of key statistics about trade, and summarize some of the stories we have written when these facts have been misrepresented.

Trump’s Fuzzy Medicare Math

Trump’s Fuzzy Medicare Math

President Donald Trump on several occasions has taken credit for making Medicare “stronger.” In one instance, he said, “Medicare will be $700 billion stronger over the next decade thanks to our growth.” In fact, Medicare’s finances have worsened since he took office.

Clinton Goes Too Far in Criticizing Trump

Clinton Goes Too Far in Criticizing Trump

In an op-ed, Hillary Clinton went too far with her criticism that President Donald Trump has shown a “complete unwillingness to stop” Russian interference in U.S. elections. The Trump administration has taken a number of steps to combat foreign interference in future elections.