President Donald Trump declared via Twitter that he is keeping perhaps his most famous campaign promise, claiming that “MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL!” through a recent trade agreement negotiated with Mexico. But economic and trade experts we interviewed said that’s not possible.
Video: FactChecking Oval Office Meeting Claims
FactChecking the Trump-Pelosi-Schumer Scuffle
Trump’s Exaggerated ‘Conflicts of Interest’ Claims
Our Annual Fundraising Appeal
Trump’s Misleading Paris Agreement Tweets
Ocasio-Cortez’s Misguided Tweet
Obama’s Misleading Oil Boast
Presidents — regardless of party — tend to take credit for good things that happen under their watch, regardless of how much influence their actions may have had. Exhibit A: Former President Barack Obama said the fact that the United States is now the world’s biggest oil producer didn’t happen “suddenly.” Instead, “that was me, people.”
Trump’s Sketchy Cohen Claims
President Trump went on the attack against Michael Cohen, saying his former personal attorney is a “weak person” trying to avoid jail time by “lying” about negotiations with Russian officials about a possible Trump Tower development in Moscow. But the president twisted several facts in service of his points.