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A Lobbyist in Congress? Not Exactly.

A Lobbyist in Congress? Not Exactly.

Has someone “been a lobbyist” if the person was registered as such but never had any clients? What if that registration was later retroactively deactivated? Those are the questions in a dispute in the Ohio Senate race.

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

At a campaign rally in Nashville, President Donald Trump repeated a bushelful of false and misleading claims, and added a few new ones.

Video: Trump on ‘Breaking Up’ Families

Video: Trump on ‘Breaking Up’ Families

CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org review President Trump’s claim that immigration officials “have to break up families” caught crossing the border illegally because of “bad laws that the Democrats gave us.” 

Who’s to Blame for Higher Gas Prices?

Who’s to Blame for Higher Gas Prices?

With gasoline prices rising, Sen. Chuck Schumer placed the blame on President Donald Trump, and specifically his decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal. But experts say that decision has had only a modest effect so far on rising prices at the pump.

Scientist Schools Congressmen on Climate

Scientist Schools Congressmen on Climate

During a recent hearing on the role of innovation in addressing climate change, several Republicans made faulty claims about the climate, past and present.

Trump’s Misleading L.A. Story

Trump’s Misleading L.A. Story

President Donald Trump claimed that federal immigration officials asked the Los Angeles Police Department in January to detain an “illegal immigrant,” but the police “let him go, and he killed somebody.” That’s not how it happened.

Trump’s and Pelosi’s Immigration Spat

Trump’s and Pelosi’s Immigration Spat

President Donald Trump’s use of the word “animals” in what he says was a reference to MS-13 gang members has resulted in a spat between the president and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Trump Misquotes Clapper on FBI ‘Spy’

Trump Misquotes Clapper on FBI ‘Spy’

In a morning tweetstorm on the Russia investigation, President Donald Trump misquoted James Clapper. Trump claimed the former intelligence director said, “Trump should be happy that the FBI was SPYING on his campaign,” when, in fact, Clapper said the FBI did not spy on his campaign.

Trump Blames Own Border Policy on Democrats

Trump Blames Own Border Policy on Democrats

President Donald Trump wrongly blamed Democrats for a Trump administration policy that will separate parents and their young children caught entering the U.S. illegally.

Trump’s Hollow Complaint

Trump’s Hollow Complaint

A report issued by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service indicates that while the average time for confirmation is historically high, federal judges appointed by President Trump were confirmed faster than in President Obama’s first year.