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Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says the Republican tax plans will be a “job-killer,” but most economic analyses of the plans suggest, on balance, modest job growth.

Cherry-Picking Tax Cut Estimates

Cherry-Picking Tax Cut Estimates

Rep. Kevin Brady, the chairman of the House tax-writing committee, made misleading claims about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the House earlier this month.

Cotton’s False Insurance Assurance

Cotton’s False Insurance Assurance

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton falsely claimed that the amended Senate tax bill eliminating the penalty for not buying health insurance would have “no impact on anyone” who buys coverage through the exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act.

The Facts on Human-Animal Chimeras

The Facts on Human-Animal Chimeras

Q: Does the National Institutes of Health fund research on human-animal chimeras, or organisms that are part-human, part-other animal? 
A: With some exceptions, the NIH doesn’t fund research on human-animal chimeras. But the agency has proposed a rule to widen the scope of research it funds in this area.

The Democrats’ Inaccurate Talking Point

The Democrats’ Inaccurate Talking Point

An estimated 13 million fewer Americans would have health insurance by 2025 if the health care law’s individual mandate is repealed. But that doesn’t mean that all 13 million would be kicked off their insurance plans, as some Democrats claim.

Video: Trump’s Fanciful Plane Tale

Video: Trump’s Fanciful Plane Tale

This week’s fact-checking video by CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at a fanciful story that President Donald Trump tells about President Barack Obama’s last scheduled meeting with the Philippines president.

FactChecking Trump’s Business Boasts

FactChecking Trump’s Business Boasts

As President Donald Trump listed the accomplishments of his trip to Asia, one example remains a mystery. “Vietnam is ordering at least $12 billion worth of Boeings,” he said. But there is no evidence of that.

Tax Cut Ad Lacks Context

Tax Cut Ad Lacks Context

A TV ad by a coalition of liberal groups leaves the false impression that 47 million “middle-class” households would be “stuck with the tab” for Republican tax cuts that benefit the wealthy. The 47 million figure refers to all households — not just the “middle class.”

Trump’s Bizarre Plane Story

Trump’s Bizarre Plane Story

President Donald Trump left a false impression that a plane carrying former President Barack Obama “came close but it didn’t land” in the Philippines due to poor relations between the countries.