White House press aides are claiming President Donald Trump’s budget contains trillions in “deficit reduction,” when it actually calls for larger deficits for the next several years.
At a meeting on international trade, President Donald Trump falsely claimed his policies have reduced the cost of electricity for U.S. businesses. In fact, electricity costs have increased in Trump’s first 10 months in office.
Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt suggests that global warming isn’t necessarily “a bad thing” because “humans have most flourished during times of … warming.” But recent years have been the warmest humans have seen over at least the last millennium.
President Trump tweeted that while Democrats are pushing for universal health care, “thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U[niversal] system is going broke and not working.” But the demonstrators marched in support of the system and urged the government to better fund it.
President Trump claimed that “Apple is investing $350 billion in the United States” over the next five years all because of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. That’s contradicted by Apple’s chief executive officer, who said that “there’s large parts of this that we would have done in any situation.”
In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s claim that the black unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history “because of my policies.”
President Donald Trump makes a misleading comparison when he says his legislative proposal to make the DACA program permanent will “generously” cover “almost three times more people than the previous administration covered.”
President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence ridiculed House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi for likening $1,000 bonuses paid to some employees as a result of the GOP tax cuts to “crumbs.” We’re providing the fuller context of Pelosi’s “crumbs” remarks.