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Flawed Attack on Jeff Flake

Flawed Attack on Jeff Flake

A campaign ad attacking Republican Sen. Jeff Flake falsely says that he hasn’t worked with President Donald Trump to “repeal Obamacare.”

SciCheck on the Air

SciCheck on the Air

This year, SciCheck writer Vanessa Schipani has appeared on NBC10 in Philadelphia several times to discuss some of her stories.

Trump’s Hollow Claim about ‘Inner Cities’

Trump’s Hollow Claim about ‘Inner Cities’

President Donald Trump claimed that his administration is “spending a lot of money on the inner cities.” But there has been little change in spending so far, and his first budget proposes to cut or eliminate funding for some programs that benefit cities.

Trump Press Conference, in Context

Trump Press Conference, in Context

President Trump answered critics who said he waited too long to condemn the white nationalists who staged a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia that turned violent. We put into context some of his statements.

Pompeo Distorts China’s Nuclear Policy

Pompeo Distorts China’s Nuclear Policy

CIA Director Mike Pompeo misrepresented the facts when he suggested the Trump administration was responsible for changing China’s policy on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

Medicare Scare Tactics

Medicare Scare Tactics

Democratic TV ads warn seniors that “right now, your Medicare coverage is in danger” of “deep, automatic cuts” by “unelected Washington bureaucrats.” But those cuts, according to current estimates, wouldn’t be implemented until 2023, and they would amount to a fraction of Medicare growth that year.

Video: Trump on U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

Video: Trump on U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org review the accuracy of President Donald Trump’s tweet about the modernization of the U.S. nuclear weapons program.

CO2: Friend or Foe to Agriculture?

CO2: Friend or Foe to Agriculture?

Rep. Lamar Smith said climate change “alarmists” ignore the “positive impacts” of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, such as increased food production and quality. But the impact of increased CO2 levels on agriculture is more complicated than that — and, on balance, likely negative, particularly in the future.

Trump Misfires on Nuclear Weapons Boast

Trump Misfires on Nuclear Weapons Boast

A day after he threatened North Korea with “fire and fury,” President Donald Trump distorted the facts when he boasted that his “first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal” and “it is now far stronger and more powerful than ever.”

Trump’s Misleading Blame on Opioids

Trump’s Misleading Blame on Opioids

President Donald Trump misleadingly cited a 23 percent decline in federal drug prosecutions between 2011 and 2016 to claim that the Obama administration ignored the opioid crisis.