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Trump’s Tweets Twist Facts

Trump’s Tweets Twist Facts

In the wake of another terrorist attack in Britain, President Donald Trump fired off several tweets about the need for his court-blocked travel ban, contradicting statements from members of his own administration and distorting the facts in the process.

Scott Pruitt and Coal Jobs

Scott Pruitt and Coal Jobs

The Environmental Protection Agency head said that the “coal sector” added 7,000 jobs in May and “almost 50,000 jobs” since the fourth quarter of last year. But the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an increase of just 400 coal mining jobs in May and 1,300 since December.

Trump on China, India and Coal

Trump on China, India and Coal

Trump wrongly claimed that the Paris Agreement would allow China to “build hundreds of additional coal plants” and allow India to “double its coal production by 2020” but the United States “can’t build the plants.”

Video: Trump’s Budget Double Count

Video: Trump’s Budget Double Count

President Donald Trump’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2018 is the subject of this week’s fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper.

FactChecking Trump’s Climate Speech

FactChecking Trump’s Climate Speech

In announcing that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris Agreement, a global accord aimed at addressing climate change, President Donald Trump made more than a few false and misleading claims.

The Facts on E-Cigarettes

The Facts on E-Cigarettes

Q: Have scientists confirmed that e-cigarettes cause an incurable respiratory disease called “popcorn lung”?
A: No. The vapor of some e-cigarettes contains a chemical associated with popcorn lung, and a case report suggests a possible link. But there’s not enough evidence to conclude the vapors cause the disease.  

Pence Misleads on Premiums

Pence Misleads on Premiums

Vice President Mike Pence went too far in claiming that a new report showed that “the average premium across this country has actually doubled under Obamacare.”

Double-Counting Growth

Double-Counting Growth

The president’s budget counts on economic growth to reach a balance, but his tax cut plan also relies on that growth to remain revenue-neutral. Tax and budget experts say that’s double-counting the same money.

Gingrich Spreads Conspiracy Theory

Gingrich Spreads Conspiracy Theory

Newt Gingrich claimed that a Democratic National Committee staffer “apparently was assassinated” after “having given WikiLeaks something like … 53,000 [DNC] emails and 17,000 attachments.” But there’s no evidence for his claim.

Video: Trump vs. Comey

Video: Trump vs. Comey

In this video, we look at the conflicting accounts of what was said at private meetings between President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey in which they discussed the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign.