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Video: Trump’s Line on Syria

Video: Trump’s Line on Syria

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at President Donald Trump’s recent criticism of President Barack Obama’s response in 2013 to a chemical weapons attack in Syria.

McConnell Revises History on Syria

McConnell Revises History on Syria

Sen. Mitch McConnell revised history when explaining why he supported President Trump’s missile strike on Syria but opposed President Obama’s call for a targeted strike against Syria after a chemical weapons incident in 2013.

The Facts on Fracking Chemical Disclosure

The Facts on Fracking Chemical Disclosure

Q: Are the chemicals in fracking solution protected from being made public by a law passed while Dick Cheney was vice president?
A: Yes. A 2005 law bans the federal government from requiring companies to disclose fracking chemicals. But 28 states do require disclosure of some fracking fluids.

Gorsuch’s ‘Mainstream’ Measurement

Gorsuch’s ‘Mainstream’ Measurement

Supporters of Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination describe him as a “mainstream judge.” Their evidence: He has voted nearly 99 percent with the majority on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and 97 percent of the court’s rulings were unanimous. But what do those statistics tell us? Not much.

Steve King on ‘Criminal Aliens’

Steve King on ‘Criminal Aliens’

Rep. Steve King wrongly suggested that “28 percent of the inmates in our federal penitentiaries” are immigrants in the country illegally. About 21 percent of federal inmates are non-U.S. citizens, but that includes those who came to the U.S. both legally and illegally.

Trump’s Line on Syria

Trump’s Line on Syria

President Donald Trump said the Obama administration “had a great opportunity to solve” the crisis in Syria when Obama set a “red line” for military intervention. But when Obama didn’t launch such intervention, “I think that set us back a long ways,” Trump said. However, Trump ignores his repeated calls at the time to “not attack Syria.”

Trump Distorts Stimulus

Trump Distorts Stimulus

While calling for new infrastructure investments, President Trump distorted the facts about President Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill. Trump described it as an “infrastructure bill” but “[n]obody ever saw anything being built” and most of the money was used on “social programs.”

Sessions’ Dubious Drug Claims

Sessions’ Dubious Drug Claims

In an address to law enforcement, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made two questionable claims about marijuana and opioids.

Partisan Spin on Gorsuch Vote

Partisan Spin on Gorsuch Vote

As the Senate considers Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, senators on both sides have engaged in partisan spin over the number of votes required to approve his nomination.