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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Medicaid’s Doctor Participation Rates

Medicaid’s Doctor Participation Rates

It’s a common criticism of the Medicaid program — that the doctor participation rate is lower than the rate for Medicare or private insurance. The implication is that Medicaid patients cannot access care, and it has gotten worse under the ACA. But experts say that’s misleading.

Pruitt on the Paris Accord

Pruitt on the Paris Accord

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt made two false claims about the Paris Accord, a global agreement aimed at addressing climate change.

Misrepresenting Stone’s Prescience

Misrepresenting Stone’s Prescience

Rep. Adam Schiff laid out a series of “coincidences” to build a circumstantial case that President Trump’s campaign associates may have colluded with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign. But one of his “coincidences” is not an established fact.

Trump’s Job Boast

Trump’s Job Boast

President Donald Trump boasted that Charter Communications “has just committed to investing $25 billion” and creating 20,000 jobs in the U.S. But Charter’s plans to add 20,000 jobs have been in the works for nearly two years.

GOP’s Obamacare Obituary: Premature

GOP’s Obamacare Obituary: Premature

Republicans repeatedly claim that Obamacare is in a “death spiral,” collapsing of its own weight. This is wishful thinking on their part, with little evidence to support it.

Still No Evidence, Mr. President

Still No Evidence, Mr. President

There is still no evidence to support President Donald Trump’s tweets accusing President Barack Obama of illegally “tapping my phones in October” during the “very sacred election process.”

Physician Numbers Up Under Obamacare

Physician Numbers Up Under Obamacare

President Donald Trump said that “many of our best and brightest are leaving the medical profession entirely because of Obamacare.” But the number of physicians has increased since 2010, when the Affordable Care Act became law.

Trump’s Hollow Keystone Threat

Trump’s Hollow Keystone Threat

President Donald Trump boasted that TransCanada Corp. “dropped” a multi-billion-dollar lawsuit against the U.S. after he threatened to “terminate” the company’s Keystone XL pipeline. That’s false.

Introducing Ask SciCheck

Introducing Ask SciCheck

In January 2015, we launched SciCheck — a feature devoted to fact-checking false and misleading scientific claims. Today, we introduce Ask SciCheck, which will provide answers to your questions about science and public policy.

Land Loss in Louisiana

Land Loss in Louisiana

Is Louisiana losing a football field of land to the ocean every hour? Yes. Both natural processes and human activities contribute to the land loss, though humans are primarily to blame.