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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

In our final wrap-up of repeated claims for 2016, the president and president-elect rehash familiar talking points.

Facebook’s ‘Fake News’ Initiative

Facebook’s ‘Fake News’ Initiative

In a radio interview with WHYY’s NewsWorks in Philadelphia, FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely talks about the recent announcement that FactCheck.org will work with Facebook to combat fake news on the popular social media site.

FactChecking Science in 2016

FactChecking Science in 2016

We look back at some of the more questionable science-related claims from 2016 on topics such as climate change, Zika, GMOs, marijuana and the human mind.

Our Annual Fundraising Appeal

Our Annual Fundraising Appeal

There would be no FactCheck.org without individual donations from people like you. We need your help to continue operating beyond our 2018 fiscal year.

The Facts on Trump’s EPA Nominee

The Facts on Trump’s EPA Nominee

Scott Pruitt, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has made some questionable claims related to global warming, fracking and the Clean Power Plan.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

On his so-called “victory tour,” President-elect Donald Trump has been repeating some inaccurate talking points that we’ve flagged before.

Trump, Russia and the U.S. Election

Trump, Russia and the U.S. Election

President-elect Donald Trump again discounted the possibility that Russia was behind the hacking of U.S. political organizations, including the Democratic National Committee’s servers, despite evidence to the contrary.

Video: Spotting Fake News

Video: Spotting Fake News

We offer a video guide of the advice we detailed in our report “How to Spot Fake News.”

Trump’s Campaign-Style Exaggerations

Trump’s Campaign-Style Exaggerations

President-elect Donald Trump kicked off his “victory tour” in Cincinnati, delivering a campaign-style speech that contained campaign-style exaggerations.

More False Claims About Fracking

More False Claims About Fracking

The head of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee falsely claimed that a new report “confirms” that “hydraulic fracturing has not impacted drinking water” in Wyoming. The report said it could not reach “firm conclusions.”