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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump on the ACA and the Uninsured

Trump on the ACA and the Uninsured

President Donald Trump wrongly claimed that “nobody ever deducts all the people that have already lost their health insurance” from estimates on how many have gained insurance under the Affordable Care Act, or stand to lose it if the law is repealed.

The Facts on Crowd Size

The Facts on Crowd Size

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed that “alternative facts” were employed by Press Secretary Sean Spicer when he tried to make the case that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.”

Trump and Intelligence Community

Trump and Intelligence Community

President Trump engaged in revisionist history when he accused the “dishonest” media of making “it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community.” In fact, Trump made numerous disparaging remarks about the U.S. intelligence community.

Trump: Jobs Returning ‘Because of Me’

Trump: Jobs Returning ‘Because of Me’

Donald Trump tweeted that GM, Ford and others announced investments and U.S. job creation “because of me!” But industry experts and company officials say the moves were largely market-driven and were in the works before Trump was elected.

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

In his inaugural address, President Trump portrayed the United States as a nation in decline. But his rhetoric did not always match reality.

What President Trump Inherits

What President Trump Inherits

These are some of the numbers by which the future successes or failures of the new presidency will be measured.

Video: Obama’s Whoppers

Video: Obama’s Whoppers

In this video, we look back at some of the more egregious falsehoods uttered by President Obama during his two terms in office.

Obama and Russia’s Nuclear Stockpile

Obama and Russia’s Nuclear Stockpile

President Obama boasted that a treaty he signed with Russia in 2011 “has substantially reduced our nuclear stockpiles, both Russia and the United States.” In fact, Russia has increased its deployed strategic nuclear warheads since the treaty took effect.

Lewis Skipped Bush’s Inauguration, Too

Lewis Skipped Bush’s Inauguration, Too

Rep. John Lewis said he will boycott President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, claiming it will be the first time he has missed a presidential inauguration since joining Congress 30 years ago. In fact, Lewis also skipped George W. Bush’s 2001 inauguration in protest.