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Video: Ivanka Wrong on Paid Leave

Video: Ivanka Wrong on Paid Leave

Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka wrongly claimed that the Trump Organization provides paid maternity leave to all of its employees.

Trump on Clinton’s Child Care Plan

Trump on Clinton’s Child Care Plan

Donald Trump falsely claimed that Hillary Clinton “has no child care plan” and “never will.” In fact, Clinton’s proposals for child care and paid family leave have been posted on her campaign website for months.

Trump’s Job Loss Exaggeration

Trump’s Job Loss Exaggeration

Donald Trump distorted the facts when he claimed New York’s job losses during Hillary Clinton’s eight years as the state’s U.S. senator were “worse than just about any place in the country.”

Trump on ‘Zombie’ Spending

Trump on ‘Zombie’ Spending

Trump says he could “stop funding programs that are not authorized in law” to help pay for more spending on the military. But unauthorized spending isn’t necessarily wasteful spending.

More Bogus Trumponomics

More Bogus Trumponomics

Donald Trump mangled his economic facts — again — when he said many people are working two jobs largely “because of this horrible Obamacare.”

Clinton Misrepresents Trump Quote

Clinton Misrepresents Trump Quote

Hillary Clinton has turned a Democratic talking point into a TV ad that misrepresents a quote from Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention.

Obama’s War Stance, Revisited

Obama’s War Stance, Revisited

Donald Trump’s campaign manager falsely stated that “everybody just took [then Senator Barack Obama] at his word” in 2008 when he said he would have voted against invading Iraq. In fact, Obama publicly spoke out against the war in October 2002.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

This week’s Groundhog Friday — a wrap-up of political claims we’ve debunked before — includes assertions about illegal immigration, tax returns, jobs, wages, the Iraq War and the trade deficit.

Wisconsin Senior Scare

Wisconsin Senior Scare

A Wisconsin Democrat’s ad falsely accuses his opponent of proposing to cut Social Security benefits for two-thirds of seniors. Actually, benefits would go up for the poorest one-third of current beneficiaries, and would be unchanged for most others.

Video: FBI Notes on Clinton

Video: FBI Notes on Clinton

CNN’s Jake Tapper takes a look this week at the FBI’s summary of its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system for government business.