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Polar Bears Far from ‘Strong and Healthy’

Polar Bears Far from ‘Strong and Healthy’

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski said the “latest research” shows “polar bear numbers are strong and healthy” in her state. Polar bears are listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. Of the two populations in Alaska, one is declining, and the status of the other is unknown.

Clinton-Sanders Bailout Brawl

Clinton-Sanders Bailout Brawl

This time Bernie Sanders cherry-picks the facts about the auto bailout of 2008 and 2009 — which has become a point of contention between Sanders and Hillary Clinton in the final days before the Michigan presidential primary.

Cruz’s Record Before the Supreme Court

Cruz’s Record Before the Supreme Court

An ad from a pro-Ted Cruz super PAC says, “Ted Cruz argued nine cases in front of the Supreme Court, and won.” He did not win all nine cases, as the ad implies.

Pro-Kasich Ad’s Misplaced Job Boast

Pro-Kasich Ad’s Misplaced Job Boast

A new TV ad boasts that Ohio Gov. John Kasich has created 400,000 jobs in his state and will do the same for Michigan as president. But Michigan actually has gained more jobs than Ohio during Kasich’s time in office, both in raw numbers and in the rate of job growth.

Trump’s Defense of His ‘University’

Trump’s Defense of His ‘University’

Businessman Donald Trump has made false and misleading claims in response to attacks on “Trump University,” a now defunct program that offered tips on real estate to paying customers.

Trump’s David Duke Amnesia

Trump’s David Duke Amnesia

Asked if he would publicly reject the support of former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said, “I just don’t know anything about him.” The record proves him wrong.

Rubio Oversimplifies FBI-Apple Battle

Rubio Oversimplifies FBI-Apple Battle

Sen. Marco Rubio said the FBI has asked Apple to disable “the auto-erase mode on one phone in the entire world.” But the FBI, which is seeking access to the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone, has asked Apple to write software that could do more than that.

Trump vs. Veteran Vendors

Trump vs. Veteran Vendors

An ad from a pro-Marco Rubio super PAC claims Donald Trump “bans disabled veterans from his high rise.” But the ad may leave a misleading impression.

Carson Botches Military Eligibility Statistic

Carson Botches Military Eligibility Statistic

Ben Carson erroneously said that 71 percent of 17- to 24-year-olds who apply for voluntary military service “are rejected for physical, mental or educational reasons, the vast majority being educational reasons.”