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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Palin Off on Glaciers and Global Warming

Palin Off on Glaciers and Global Warming

Sarah Palin says man isn’t to blame for climate change, citing the fact that some glaciers in Alaska are expanding. But an individual glacier’s growth does not disprove the existence or causes of global warming. The vast majority of glaciers are losing ice rapidly.

More Spin on Clinton Emails

More Spin on Clinton Emails

Hillary Clinton directly addressed questions in recent interviews about her exclusive use of a personal email account and server to conduct government business as secretary of state. But her answers only reveal part of the story.

Hedge Fund Managers’ Tax Rates

Hedge Fund Managers’ Tax Rates

Sen. Bernie Sanders says firefighters, police officers, nurses and truck drivers all pay higher effective tax rates than hedge fund managers. That’s accurate for some in those occupations, but it’s not the case across the board.

Planned Parenthood’s Services

Planned Parenthood’s Services

Congressional Republicans have made versions of the claim that abortions make up 94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s “pregnancy services.” That misleading figure only counts certain direct services to pregnant clients.

Santorum’s Climate Consensus Claims

Santorum’s Climate Consensus Claims

Rick Santorum made two false claims regarding the scientific consensus on climate change in an interview with HBO’s Bill Maher.

Walker’s Economic Spin

Walker’s Economic Spin

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican candidate for president, strained the facts when he compared his state’s economic performance with that of the United States.

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued a years-long effort by Democrats to link Republicans to the idea of “privatizing” Social Security.

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

Donald Trump’s recent press conference garnered a lot of media attention for his put downs of two high-profile journalists, but he didn’t treat the facts much better.

Rubio’s Shaky ACA Hypothetical

Rubio’s Shaky ACA Hypothetical

Sen. Marco Rubio described a hypothetical Detroit business owner with 10 employees as facing higher costs under the Affordable Care Act, saying the man was considering moving one employee to part time to “save … a significant amount under Obamacare.”

Cruz & Crosses

Cruz & Crosses

Sen. Ted Cruz set up a false bogeyman when he said the Supreme Court is “one justice away” from ordering that crosses on tombstones at Arlington National Cemetery be torn down.