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Pataki’s Welfare Whopper

Pataki’s Welfare Whopper

Former Gov. George Pataki gives too much credit to his “conservative policies” for reducing the number of New Yorkers on welfare by 1 million.

Mammography and the ACA, Redux

Mammography and the ACA, Redux

Get ready for another round of misleading claims about the government interfering with women’s ability to get mammograms.

Perry’s Border Bragging

Perry’s Border Bragging

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry routinely boasts that border apprehensions dropped 74 percent in Texas after he sent state law enforcement to the border last year. But Perry takes too much credit.

Sanders Exaggerates Inequality

Sanders Exaggerates Inequality

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders claims that “in America we now have more income and wealth inequality than any other major country on earth.” Not really.

The Santorum File (Take Two)

The Santorum File (Take Two)

Rick Santorum, the second-place finisher in the 2012 Republican presidential primary, is making it official that he will run again for the presidency.

Clinton’s ‘Secret’ Email Accounts

Clinton’s ‘Secret’ Email Accounts

The Republican National Committee thinks it has the smoking gun that proves Hillary Clinton used “multiple secret email addresses” as secretary of state. It doesn’t.

Jeb Bush Off on Contributions to Warming

Jeb Bush Off on Contributions to Warming

Jeb Bush claimed that the science is unclear as to how much humans contribute to global warming. The United Nations climate change research organization, however, said it was “extremely likely” that more than half of the warming since 1950 is due to human activities.

Clinton Misuses Stat on CEO Pay

Clinton Misuses Stat on CEO Pay

Hillary Clinton said the “average American CEO” makes 300 times more than the typical worker, but she was referring to a study about CEOs and workers at only 350 companies.

FlackCheck Video: Fiorina on Student Loans

FlackCheck Video: Fiorina on Student Loans

This FlackCheck.org video summarizes our May 7 story “Fiorina Misleads on Student Loans.” Carly Fiorina, a Republican presidential candidate, claimed that the government had “nationalized” the college loan industry.

FlackCheck Video: Huckabee Announcement

FlackCheck Video: Huckabee Announcement

Mike Huckabee is making another run at the presidency after a failed attempt in 2008. This video from FlackCheck.org looks at some of the old lines he repeated during his May 5 announcement speech.